Case testNormalUseHandlerJpa002
Case testNormalUseHandlerJpa002
Test case for normal use of Jpa DefaultGraphResolutionHandler.
Procedure 1
Instantiate handler
config = ConfigUtility.getConfigProperties();
GraphResolutionHandler handler =
, GraphResolutionHandler.
- Open a content service
- Retrieve concept 102276005 (SNOMEDCT) from the content service.
- Call resolve on the concept
- Close the content service
- TEST: The concept should have 3 descriptions, each with 2 language refset entries, and it should have 8 relationships.
- Open a content service
- Retrieve description 165426013 (SNOMEDCT) from the content service.
- Call resolve on the description
- Close the content service
- TEST: the description should have 2 langauge refset entries, and concept.getDefaultPreferredName should equal "Bipitartite ossification"
- Open a content service
- Retrieve relationship 4285932028 (SNOMEDCT) from the content service.
- Call resolve on the relationship
- Close the content service
- TEST: the relationship's source and destination concepts should have id, terminologyId, terminology, defaultPreferredName set.
- Open a content service
- Retrieve language refset member 0ec8164a-47db-5f44-b3e4-50b33c495859 (SNOMEDCT) from the content service.
- Call resolve on the language refset member
- Close the content service
- TEST: language refset member should have a description with id, terminologyId, terminology, and term set.
- Open a content service
- Retrieve attributeValue refset member ??? (SNOMEDCT) from the content service.
- Close the content service
- TEST: the attribute value refset member's concept should have id, terminologyId, terminology, defaultPreferredName set.
- Open a content service
- Retrieve associationReference refset member ??? (SNOMEDCT) from the content service.
- Close the content service
- TEST: the attribute value refset member's concept should have id, terminologyId, terminology, defaultPreferredName set.
- Repeat above test for
- AttributeValueRefSetMember
- ComplexMapRefSetMember
- DescriptionTypeRefSetMember
- ModuleDependencyRefSetMember
- RefsetDescriptorRefSetMember
- SimpleMapRefSetMember
- SimpleRefSetMember
Expected Runtime
- < 1 sec
- n/a
, multiple selections available,