Case testNormalUseHandlerJpa001
Case testNormalUseHandlerJpa001
Test case for normal use for ICD9CM of the Jpa ClamlComputePreferredNameHandler.
Procedure 1
- Retrieve concept 728.10 (ICD9CM) from the content service.
Instantiate preferred name handler
config = ConfigUtility.getConfigProperties(); ComputePreferredNameHandler handlerService = ConfigUtility.newStandardHandlerInstanceWithConfiguration("compute.preferred.name.handler", "ICD9CM", ComputePreferredNameHandler.class);
- Call computePreferredName(concept)
- TEST: result should match the known preferred name for the concept "Calcification and ossification, unspecified"
- Call computePreferredName(concept.getDescriptions());
- TEST: result should match the known preferred name for the concept "Calcification and ossification, unspecified"
- For each description in the concept, call isPreferredName(description)
- TEST: The description with a typeId of "4" should return true, others should return false.
- For each description in the concept, call isPreferredName(description, null)
- TEST: should produce same result as previous tests.
- For each description in the concept, call isPreferredName(description, new LanguageRefSetMemberJpa());
- TEST: should produce same result as previous tests.
Expected Runtime
- < 1 sec
- n/a
, multiple selections available,