SPRINT 1 - concludes October 10
SPRINT 1 - concludes October 10
Initial sprint - get code from OTF and spec out remaining work for 10/30 deadline.
Service Specification - internal APIs
- Just like OTF
- Add/remove/update/get/Relationship types
- Add/remove/update/get/Description types (including description type info)
- Add/remove/update/get Namespaces
- Add/remove/update/get Module ids
- Add/remove/update/get definitionStatusIds
- Add/remove/update/get caseSignificanceIds
- Add/remove/update/get refsets (by pattern) - including refset descriptor
- Add/remove/update/getUngroupedRelTypes
- Add/remove/update/getRightIdentities
- Add/remove/update/getModule dependency
- NEW: non blocking rels
- NEW: right identities
- TBD but really full view of the rest
Content (may need more pfs integration).
- addConcept(String id, String uniqueName, String parentId); -- # id based on this
- add/remove/update/getConcept(String id)
- add/remove/update/getDescription(String id)
- add/remove/update/getStatedRelationship(String id)
- add/remove/update/getInferredRelationship(String id)
- autoComplete(String keystrokes)
- findConcept(String query, PFS); # google-style query, id, name, other indexed text, Fielded, but with ALL
- findConceptByCriteria(PFS, QueryCriteria...) - implied conjunction
- QueryCriteria
- active
- moduleId
- ancestor
- definitionStatus
- isSourceId
- isDestinationId
- relTypeId
- relSourceId
- relDestinationId
- QueryCriteria
- getConceptHistory(String id)
- getConceptDelta(String id, String startTime, String endTime)
- getConceptDelta(String startTime, String endTime)
- getConceptDeltaSince(String startTime)
- getDescriptionHistory(String id)
- getDescriptionDelta(String id, String startTime, String endTime)
- getDescriptionDelta(String startTime, String endTime) ...
Action (state-aware thru token )
- String token configureActionService(String rootId, String isaTypeId);
- prepareToClassify(String token) - build axioms, etc - one time at the beginning.
- classify(String token) - full classification - uses Snorocket
- incrementalClassify(String token) - incremental since last classify (considers edits)
- * uses "getDeltaSince"
- getInferredRelationships(String token)
- getNewInferredRels(String token)
- getOldInferredRels(String token)
- getUnchangedInferredRels(String token)
- getEquivalencies(String token)
- compareConcepts(String id1, String Id2) : ValidationResult
- getProgress(string token)
Admin tools (maven based)
- RF2 loader (bulk import too)
- currently snapshot -> needs to support "full"
- Delta loader (add a delta to the current build).
- Lucene indexer
- Terminology remover
Other Needed Development
- URL workflow callback mechanism (interface with default configuration that does nothing but log)
REST layer
- getConceptWithDescriptions(String id, PFS);
- getDescriptionWithLanguages(String id, PFS);
- getConceptsInRefset(String refSetId, PFS);
- getDescriptionsInRefset(String refSetId, PFS);
- getStatedRelationshipsForSourceConcept(String id, PFS);
- getStatedRelationshipsForDestinationConcept(String id, PFS);
- getInferredRelationshipsForSourceConcept(String id, PFS);
- getInferredRelationshipsForDestinationConcept(String id, PFS);
, multiple selections available,