Maintenance Tools

Maintenance Tools


This page documents the use of maintenance tools.


  • MySQL database must already exist (e.g. "tsdb") and be loaded with terminologies.
  • MySQL database connection parameters must be defined in the properties file specified by "run.config.ts".


This page documents various maintenance admin tools that exist to perform recurring and useful tasks around and between the major life cycle phases.  Each tool is individually documented below.

Project Loader

Used to create a terminology project and (optionally) also create and assign ADMINISTRATOR rule to a new admin user.

Mojo: ProjectLoaderMojo.java (in admin/mojo/src/main/resources/java/org/ihtsdo/otf/ts/mojo)

Project: admin/loader

Configuration Parameters

  • A profile of "Project" must be passed
  • run.config.ts - the standard configuration file specified as a -D parameter

  • name - the project name

  • description - the project description
  • terminology - the project terminology
  • version - the project terminology version (default "latest")
  • adminUser - the admin user to create (if one does not already exist) - this is a means for creating an initial admin user.
  • scopeConcepts - comma-separated list of terminology ids defining the scope of the project.
  • scopeDescendantsFlag - true/false indicating whether descendants of the scope concepts are included in scope
  • scopeExcludesConcepts - a comma-separated list of terminology ids defining an exclusion within the defined scope
  • scopeExcludesDescendantFlag - true/false indicating whether descendants of the scope excludes concepts are also excluded from scope.
  • server - true/false indicating whether to run the mojo through the server

Sample command line call of the project loader:

cd ~/code/admin/loader
mvn install -PProject -Drun.config.ts=/home/ec2-tomcat/config/config.properties -Dname="Sample Project" -Ddescription="Sample project." -Dterminology=SNOMEDCT -Dversion=latest -Dscope.concepts=138875005 -Dscope.descendants.flag=true -Dadmin.user=admin 

Sample Eclipse run configuration for the project loader tool:


Release Info Remover

Used to remove a release info for a terminology.  Typically only used when restarting an editing cycle and not used to remove release info created by terminology loaders.

Mojo: ReleaseInfoRemoverMojo.java (in admin/mojo/src/main/resources/java/org/ihtsdo/otf/ts/mojo)

Project: admin/remover

Configuration Parameters

  • A profile of "ReleaseInfo" must be passed
  • run.config.ts - the standard configuration file specified as a -D parameter
  • terminology - the terminology to remove release info for.

  • release.info.names - comma-separated list of release info names.

  • server - true/false indicating whether to run the mojo through the server 

Sample command line call of the release info remover:

cd ~/code/admin/remover
mvn install -PReleaseInfo -Drun.config.ts=/home/ec2-tomcat/config/config.properties --Dterminology=SNOMEDCT -Drelease.info.names=20150701 

Sample Eclipse run configuration for the release info remover:


Transitive Closure Computer

Used to recompute transitive closure for a terminology.

Mojo: TransitiveClosureComputerMojo.java (in admin/mojo/src/main/resources/java/org/ihtsdo/otf/ts/mojo)

Project: admin/remover

Configuration Parameters

  • A profile of "TransitiveClosure" must be passed
  • run.config.ts - the standard configuration file specified as a -D parameter

  • terminology - the terminology to compute transitive closure for
  • version - the terminology version
  • server - true/false indicating whether to run the mojo through the server 

Sample command line call of the transitive closure computer:

cd ~/code/admin/loader
mvn install -PTransitiveClosure -Drun.config.ts=/home/ec2-tomcat/config/config.properties -Dterminology=SNOMEDCT -Dversion=latest

Sample Eclipse run configuration for the transitive closure computer:

  • n/a

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