Editing Capabilities

Editing Capabilities

Information on the editing capabilities of the WCI Terminology Service.

Editing features are not enabled by default. There are two editing modes delete and deactivate that can be enabled on a terminology-by-terminology basis when the data set for an instance of this tool is built.

  • Delete mode supports “add” and “delete” operations for editing synonyms, subsets, and mappings.

  • Deactivate mode supports “add”, “deactivate”, and “reactivate” operations for editing synonyms, subsets, and mappings.

  • Both modes support “add”, “deactivate”, and “reactivate” operations for editing concepts.

  • Both modes support changing preferred names.

You can see the current settings for a terminology by Browsing Metadata for a selected terminology. Search for the word “editable”. If not found, editing is disabled.


The WCI Terminology Server supports simple editing actions for minor customization of standard terminologies, or basic maintenance of local terminologies or local extensions to terminologies. The core editing features supported include:


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