Adding/Removing a Synonym

Adding/Removing a Synonym

User guide on adding and removing synonyms from a concept.

Editing features are only available for terminologies that have been configured to support it and when logged in as a user with a “USER” or “ADMIN” role.


Adding a Synonym

Synonyms can be added for concepts that have been searched for and loaded into the display. See Terminology Browsing for more information on searching.

For example, consider the following search result for “heart structure” in SNOMEDCT_US and navigate down to the section of the report where the synonyms are showing.

To add a synonym, click the “Add Synonym” button to open the dialog:

Enter the desired synonym name (e.g. “My heart structure”) and click “Add Synonym”. This will reload the concept report display and show the new synonym.

At this point, the new synonym will be displayed (with a label of “manual” and a term type of “INDEX_SY”).

Removing a Synonym (delete mode)

Only synonyms that have been added can be removed (this is not a tool for maintaining the underlying terminologies themselves, which are static). So, in order to remove a synonym, you first must add one.

If editing is configured for delete mode, you will see the display above, the new synonym with a trash can icon to the right.

Clicking on the trash can icon will open a confirmation dialog, which if accepted, will lead to the synonym being removed and the concept view reloaded without that entry.

Deactivating/Activating a Synonym (deactivate mode)

Only synonyms that have been added can be deactivated (this is not a tool for maintaining the underlying terminologies themselves, which are static). So, in order to deactivate a synonym, you first must add one.

If editing is configured for deactivate mode, you will see the display above, the new synonym with an “X” icon to the right.

Clicking on the “X” icon will open a confirmation dialog, which if accepted, will lead to the synonym being deactivated and the concept view reloaded. On reload, the deactivated synonym will show grayed-out with a check mark icon that can be used to reactivate it.

Clicking on this icon will open a confirmation dialog, which if accepted, will lead to the synonym being reactivated and the concept view reloaded.

On reload, the synonym will as before (see two diagrams up).





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