Editing Mappings

Editing Mappings

User guide on editing mapping information.

Editing features are only available for terminologies that have been configured to support it and when logged in as a user with a “USER” or “ADMIN” role.


Adding a Mapset

To add a mapset, first follow the instructions on Browsing Mapsets to get to the “Maps” accordion on the “Terminology” tab display.

To add a new mapset, click the “Add Mapsets” above the list of mapsets shown. Clicking this opens the “Add Mapsets” dialog:

There are fourfields here, some of which can be edited and others not.

  • From Terminology - matching the currently selected terminology, this cannot be edited.

  • To Terminology - the choice of terminology that this mapset represents mapping to.

  • Name - the name of the mapset, this is required.

  • Code - the code for this mapset, this is required. RECOMMENDATION: either adopt a numeric coding scheme like “S10001”, “S10002”, etc. OR adopt an alphabetic scheme of creating mapset codes that are descriptive in nature. In the example above, the code “S10001” is chosen, representing the first style.

NOTE: it is not possible to add multiple mapsets with the same code, however it is possible to add multiple mapsets with the same name.

When finished editing, click the “Add” button, the dialog closes and the mapsets sets table will reload. For example:

This shows the new mapset added with “edit” and “delete” controls available. NOTE: mapsets belonging to terminologies themselves can not be edited or removed.

Removing a Mapset

To remove a mapset, first follow the instructions on Browsing Mapsets to get to the “Maps” accordion on the “Terminology” tab display. Only mapsets that have previously been added can now be removed.

This shows an “SNOMEDCT_US to CPT Mappings” having been added. To remove the mapset, click the “trash can” icon. Clicking on the “trash can” icon will open a confirmation dialog, which if accepted, will lead to the mapset being removed and the view reloaded without that entry.

Removing Mappings from the Mapsets Accordion

To remove mappings this way, first follow the instructions on Browsing Mapsets to get to the “Maps” accordion on the “Terminology” tab display. Only mapsets that have previously been added can have their mappings removed.

This shows the “SNOMEDCT_US to CPT Mappings” having been added. Clicking on this entry will load the mappings of that mapset in a table below.

Here, each mapping has a “trash can” icon to the right of it that can be used to delete that mapping. Clicking on the “trash can” icon will open a confirmation dialog, which if accepted, will lead to the mapping being removed and the view reloaded without that entry.

Adding/Removing Mappings in the Concept Report

Individual concept mappings can also be specifically edited. First, follow the instructions on Browsing Content to load a concept report. For example, in this case, the “SNOMEDCT_US to CPT Mappings” mapset in the sections above includes the concept 29567006 | MRI of brain and brain stem |:

In the “Maps” area of the concept report, you can see the mapping with a “trash can” icon to the right. Clicking on the “trash can” icon will open a confirmation dialog, which if accepted, will lead to the mapping being removed and the concept report reloaded to reflect the change:

Here, you can see that the “Maps” section contains no entries, but there is an option to “Add Mapping” to a mapset from a neighboring picklist and code entry text field. This picklist is populated with mapsets that can be edited.

Clicking the “Add Mapping” will simply add a mapping from this concept to the specified code in the text box and reload the concept report to reflect the change. Now, things look like again like the view just before deleting the entry:


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