Case testNormalUseRestContent001
Case testNormalUseRestContent001
Test case for normal use of the REST content service concept retrieval methods.
Procedure 1: Get concepts for SNOMEDCT
- All tests use concept "121000119106", version "latest"
- Get concepts for terminology/version
- getConcepts()
- TEST: Returns a concept list with one concept, terminology id matches
- TEST: Expect terminology/version to match
- TEST: Expect defaultPreferredName to be start with "Lesion of skin of face"
- TEST: Expect 2 descriptions
- TEST: Expect 2 language ref set members for each description
- TEST: Expect 7 relationships
- Get single concept
- getSingleConcept() for SNOMEDCT
- TEST: Returns one concept, equal to previous concept
- Get concept by Hibernate id
- getConcept()
- TEST: Returns one concept, equal to previous concept
Procedure 2: Get concepts for ICD9CM
- All tests use concept "138875005", version "2013"
- Get concepts for terminology/version
- getConcepts()
- TEST: Returns a concept list with one concept, terminology id matches
- TEST: Expect terminology/version to match
- TEST: Expect defaultPreferredName to be start with "Lesion of skin of face"
- TEST: Expect 1 descriptions
- TEST: Expect 0 language ref set members for each description
- TEST: Expect 1 relationships
- Get single concept
- getSingleConcept() for ICD9CM
- TEST: Returns one concept, equal to previous concept
- Get concept by Hibernate id
- getConcept()
- TEST: Returns one concept, equal to previous concept
Procedure 2: Find concepts
- For all tests, execute findConceptsForQuery("ossification", ...) for SNOMEDCT
- Raw results – No pfs parameter
- TEST: 10 results
- Sorted results – Pfs parameter with sortField defaultPreferredName
- TEST: 10 results, sorted alphabetically in ascending order
- Sorted results – Pfs paramter with sortField defaultPreferredName and descending order
- TEST: 10 results, sorted alphabetically in descending order
- Paged, sorted results, first page – Pfs parameter with max results 5 and sortField defaultPreferredName
- TEST: 5 results, matching first 5 results from previous test, sorted alphabetically
- Paged, sorted results, second page – Pfs parameter with startIndex 6, max results 5 and sortField defaultPreferredName
- TEST: 5 results, matching second set of 5 results from previous test, sorted alphabetically
- Lucene query restriction set to "terminologyId:93563005"
- TEST: 1 result, with terminologyId = 93563005
Expected Runtime
- < 10 sec
- n/a
, multiple selections available,