Security Service REST Test Suite
Security Service REST Test Suite
Test suite for the Security REST service.
Prerequisites are tested in the class SecurityServiceRestTest.
- The run.config.ts specifies a "security.handler" with any required parameters also specified.
- The run.config.ts has an "admin.user" and "admin.password" specified
- The run.config.ts has an "viewer.user" and "viewer.password" specified
- The run.config.ts has a "bad.user" and "bad.password" specified
- No user exists in the database with the "bad.user" userName.
Assumptions not fulfilled will cause test failures.
- The security handler specified exists and can be instantiated.
- The security handler successfully authenticates the "admin.user", and returns a user with application role of ADMINISTRATOR
- The security handler successfully authenticates the "viewer.user", and returns a user with application role of VIEWER
- The security handler fails to authenticate the "bad.user", and returns no user.
Test Cases.
This test suite comprises the following test cases:
- Normal Use - org.ihtsdo.otf.ts.test.rest.SecurityServiceRestNormalUseTest
- Degenerate Use - org.ihtsdo.otf.ts.test.rest.SecurityServiceRestDegenerateUseTest
- Edge Cases - org.ihtsdo.otf.ts.test.rest.SecurityServiceRestEdgeCasesTest
- Case testEdgeCasesRestSecurity001
- n/a (no conditions)
- Case testEdgeCasesRestSecurity003
- Role Check - org.ihtsdo.otf.ts.test.rest.SecurityServiceRestRoleCheckTest
- n/a (no conditions)
- Case testRoleCheckRestSecurity002
- n/a (no conditions)
- n/a
, multiple selections available,