Editing Subsets

Editing Subsets

User guide on editing subset information.

Editing features are only available for terminologies that have been configured to support it and when logged in as a user with a “USER” or “ADMIN” role.

NOTE: in some environments, the label “subset” may be overridden at the terminology level to reflect more natural naming conventions like “refset” or “value set”. For the purpose of this page, we use the default name “subset” to describe the features.


Adding a Subset

To add a subset, first follow the instructions on Browsing Subsets to get to the “Subsets” accordion on the “Terminology” tab display.

To add a new subset, click the “Add Subsets” above the list of subsets shown. Clicking this opens the “Add Subset” dialog:

There are five fields here, some of which can be edited and others not.

  • Terminology - matching the currently selected terminology, this cannot be edited.

  • Name - the name of the subset, this is required.

  • Code - the code for this subset, this is required. RECOMMENDATION: either adopt a numeric coding scheme like “S10001”, “S10002”, etc. OR adopt an alphabetic scheme of creating subset codes that are descriptive in nature. In the example above, the name “hivSubset” is chosen (which can then later be used in ECL expressions as “^hivSubset”).

  • Expression - a place where ECL expressions can be entered to look up potential members. Clicking the “Lookup” button will cause the “Members” text area to become populated with the list of codes matching the resolution of the corresponding expression. If there are already contents in “Members”, they will be replaced by the new lookup. The list can be further edited after-the-fact.

    • The example above shows the result of entering “<<86406008” (descendants-and-self of “Human immunodeficiency virus infection”) and clicking the “Lookup” button.

  • Members - a list of the members to initially add with this subset. The example above shows the concept ids that result from resolving the expression shown in the “Expression” filed.

NOTE: it is not possible to add multiple subsets with the same code, however it is possible to add multiple subsets with the same name.

When finished editing, click the “Add” button, the dialog closes and the subsets table will reload. For example:

This shows the new subset added with “edit” and “delete” controls available. NOTE: subsets belonging to terminologies themselves can not be edited or removed.

Editing a Subset - Adding/Removing Subset Members

To add a subset, first follow the instructions on Browsing Subsets to get to the “Subsets” accordion on the “Terminology” tab display. Only subsets that have previously been added can now be edited.

This shows an “hivSubset” having been added. To edit the members of this subset, click the “pencil” icon. This will open a dialog just like the one used for adding a subset:

Here, only “Expression” and “Members” are available for use, and the buttons will either “Add” or “Remove” the corresponding ids listed in the “Members” text area. The “Expression” field can be used to enter an ECL expression to look up a list of codes to either add or remove from the subset being edited.

NOTE: if codes are entered for removal that do not exist in the underlying subset, they will result in no change to the subset when “Remove Members” is clicked. Similarly, codes entered for adding that are not part of the underlying termionlogy will result in no change to the subset when “Add Members” is clicked.

The goal of this dialog is to support the ability to easily add or remove lists of member codes that are (to some extent) known in advance. Future feature work will include improving this dialog to better display name information with the codes as well as being able to access the members already belonging to the subset.

Removing a Subset

To remove a subset, first follow the instructions on Browsing Subsets to get to the “Subsets” accordion on the “Terminology” tab display. Only subsets that have previously been added can now be removed.

This shows an “hivSubset” having been added. To remove the subset, click the “trash can” icon. Clicking on the “trash can” icon will open a confirmation dialog, which if accepted, will lead to the subset being removed and the view reloaded without that entry.

Removing Subset Members from the Subsets Accordion

To remove subset members, first follow the instructions on Browsing Subsets to get to the “Subsets” accordion on the “Terminology” tab display. Only subsets that have previously been added can have their members removed.

This shows an “hivSubset” having been added. Clicking on “hivSubset” will load the members of that subset in a table below.

Here, each member has a “trash can” icon to the right of it that can be used to delete that member. Clicking on the “trash can” icon will open a confirmation dialog, which if accepted, will lead to the subset member being removed and the view reloaded without that entry.

Adding/Removing Subset Members in the Concept Report

Individual concept membership in a subset can also be specifically edited. First, follow the instructions on Browsing Content to load a concept report. For example, in this case, the “hivRefset” described in the sections above includes the concept 405631006 | Pediatric human immunodeficiency virus infection |:

In the “Subsets” area, you can see the membership in the “hivSubset” with a “trash can” icon to the right. Clicking on the “trash can” icon will open a confirmation dialog, which if accepted, will lead to the subset member being removed and the concept report reloaded to reflect the change:

Here, you can see that the “Subsets” section contains no members, but there is an option to “Add Member” to a subset from a neighboring picklist. This picklist is populated only with “available subsets” → those that have been locally added and to which the concept does not already belong.

Clicking the “Add Member” will simply add this concept as a member to the corresponding subset and reload the concept report to reflect the change. Now, things look like again like the view just before deleting the entry:


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