offer a service
offer a service
This page contains information about the West Coast Informatics service for custom setup, configuration, and deployment of the UMLS Terminology Server environment.
What We Offer
The service includes the following:
- Development of a custom security mechanism to work with your security environment.
- Creation of a custom subset of the UMLS Metathesaurus (using standard tooling)
- Creating and loading of a database from a custom subset of the UMLS Metathesaurus.
- Installation and configuration of a UMLS Terminology Server environment running against this subset.
- We can install this on your IT infrastructure
- We can set up an Amazon EC2-instance (or other cloud provider)
- Alternatively we can host this for you (e.g. XXX.terminology.tools)
- 4 hours of developer training sessions to walk you through setup and deployment of the server, running of the code examples and integration tests, and answers to all your questions.
- Notification of important updates and new releases.
- Prioritization of development items to suit your application requirements. This means we give you a voice in what gets developed next.
The basic cost for this service is USD $5000.
If we host the terminology server for you, we will use Amazon EC2 on an appropriately sized server and pass through the cost exactly as we pay it.
Additional consulting, development/customization, or training/support hours can be purchased as well in 40 hour blocks for $5000.
If you have any additional questions regarding this or are interested in other kinds of arrangements, please contact us at info@westcoastinformatics.com.
, multiple selections available,
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