Notes for Training Videos
Notes for Training Videos
Notes for making training videos:
- Use “ice cream” to record videos
- Start video already logged in and on the correct tab.
- Intro: “To <action demo is about>, log in and start on the (workflow,edit,process,admin) tab” ,…
- Demo in the dev environment, take a use capture dimensions that hide the URL.
- All videos into youtube
- Use google account: bcarlsenca/meridian6
- make sure videos are public
TODO: post links to videos here when ready.
- Projects and Roles
- Single Project (NCIMTH "latest")
- Logging in to the tool
- Workflow (workflow.html)
- Bins (diagram, write, training videos)
- Edit the epoch
- Choose a workflow config, Regenerate Bins and Run Matrix Initializer
- Regenerate a bin, assign a checklist, assign a worklist
- Admin features
- Checklists (diagram, write, training videos) Checklist Training Video
- Select a checklist (and discuss notes, export, etc.)
- show PFS for table
- stamp a checklist, remove a checklist
- import a checklist
- compute a checklist
- Select a checklist (and discuss notes, export, etc.)
- Worklists (diagram, write, training videos) Worklists Training Video
- Select a worklist and discuss notes, export, etc.)
- show PFS for table
- assign a worklist, remove a checklist
- Select a worklist and discuss notes, export, etc.)
- Reports (diagram, write, training videos) Reports Training Video
- pick a report and look at it, make a checklist
- generate a report
- Bins (diagram, write, training videos)
- Edit (edit.html)
- Available, Assigned, and Checklists
- Concept List
- STY Window
- Atoms Window
- merge
- split
- REL Window
- show preferred vs. all
- merge/transfer
- ...
- Tree Window
- Reports
- Metadata Editing (only in ADMIN mode)
- Process Process Execution Training Video Process Configuration Training Video
- Processes, Algorithms, and Parameters
- Process Types
- Creating and Editing Processes
- Preparing and Running a Configuration
- Reviewing Process Logs
, multiple selections available,
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