Features to cover when demonstrating the next-gen MEME system.
- Run from https://ncim.terminology.tools
- Show only "Workflow", "Edit", "Process", and "Admin" tabs.
- Workflow Tab
- Bins
- admin features - new workflow config, edit bin definitions, reorder bins, disable bins, remove bins, etc.
- reviewer features - regenerate, matrixinit
- create checklist/worklist
- refresh counts
- load records - pfs
- Checklists
- pfs
- details
- stats
- records/concepts
- Worklists
- pfs
- assign, unassign, delete
- Stamp or unapprove
- details
- records/concepts
- stats
- concept reports
- log
- notes
- Workflow → assign, finish, review → assign, finish, etc..
- Bins
- Edit
- Available, Assign, Checklist
- Clusters ,concepts, concept list
- Finder ("amino acids")
- static
- show colors
- interactive
- show/hide obsolete
- static
- STY - pfs, add/remove
- Atoms - pfs, merge, move, split, adding PN
- Rel - pfs, transfer, add, edit, override, bequeath, showall/preferred'
- Contexts - show snomed case- discuss improvements
- "focus" icon.
- Upcoming features
- More user preferences (window locations and sizes, selected worklist, tracking record, concept list)
- Undo → open actions frame
- n/a
, multiple selections available,
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