TODO Items Removed From Code
This page is a catch-all location for items marked as TODO in the code, but are not appropriate for the current sprint.
Removed 3/10 for release
- RRF LoaderAlgorithm, 1493, on mapping.setRelationshipType
- // TODO: add jira ticket QA admin tool for referential integrity
Removed 3/3/2016 in anticipation of release
- Handler003Test
- testHandlerEdgeCases003 has // TODO: flesh out
- testHandlerDegenerateUse003 has TODO: flsh out
- testHandlerNormalUse003 hasTODO: test
- Handler008Test
- testHandlerDegenerateUse008 has TODO: flesh out
- testHandlerEdgeCases008 has TODO: flesh out
- testHandlerNormalUse008 has TODO: flesh out. for each data type
- TemplateServiceXXXUseTest
- TODO: edit the description (on class itself)
- TODO: edit the service to use (on class variable service)
- setup has // TODO: Open the service (or services) you want to use (in function above service = ...)
- testXxxUseRestTemplate001has:
- TODO: edit this comment to match the test case Test Xxx use of the yyy of (in JavaDoc)
- TODO: Edit this method name to match the test case (on function itself)
- TODO: implement the test case
TODO: have additional methods like the one above as needed (found after the Template001 function)
- ValidationServiceRestNormalUseTest
// TODO: get this test working /* * @Test public void testNormalUseRestValidation005() throws Exception { * Logger.getLogger(getClass()).debug("Start test"); * * ValidationResult result = validationService.validateMerge(umlsTerminology, * umlsVersion, "C0000005", "C00000039", authToken); * * assertTrue(result.getErrors().size() == 0); * assertTrue(result.getWarnings().size() == 0); } */
- ContentServiceRestNormalUseTest
- testNormalUseRestContent027, TODO: consider other cases of this
- testNormalUseRestContent028, TODO: consider other cases of this, may need bigger data set
- testNormalUseRestContent013, TODO: consider sample data from SAMPLE_2014AB
- testNormalUseRestContent025, TODO: consider sample data from SAMPLE_2014AB
- testNormalUseRestContent029, TODO: consider sample data from SAMPLE_2014AB
- testNormalUseRestContent001, TODO: test atoms too (one for each terminology)
- testNormalUseRestContent002, TODO test atoms as well (one for each terminology)
- testNormalUseRestContent003, TODO: test atoms as well.(one for each terminology)
- testNormalUseRestContent006, TODO: test pfs parameter "active only" and "inactive only" features
- testNormalUseRestContent007, TODO: test pfs parameter "active only" and "inactive only" features
- testNormalUseRestContent010, TODO: test pfs parameter "active only" and "inactive only" features
- testNormalUseRestContent011
- // TODO: need sort order check (by name)
// TODO: need "parents only" and "chlidren only" checks. (this also needs
// implementing)
// TODO: test pfs parameter "active only" and "inactive only" features
- testNormalUseRestContent012
- // TODO: need sort order check (by name)
// TODO: need "parents only" and "chlidren only" checks. (this also needs
// implementing)
// TODO: test pfs parameter "active only" and "inactive only" features
- // TODO: need sort order check (by name)
- testNormalUseRestContent023, TODO: test pfs parameter "active only" and "inactive only" features
- testNormalUseRestContent008
// TODO: test pfs parameter "active only" and "inactive only" features
// TODO: need to test multiple search criteria in conjunction
- testNormalUseRestContent009
// TODO: need to test search criteria for descriptor relationships
// TODO: need to test multiple search criteria in conjunction
// TODO: test pfs parameter "active only" and "inactive only" features
- ProjectServiceRestNormalUseTest
- testNormalUseRestProject003
// TODO: get this test working /* * @Test public void testNormalUseRestValidation005() throws Exception { * Logger// TODO: reactivate when transitive closure is ready // ConceptList resultList = // projectService.findConceptsInScope(projectList.getObjects().get(0) // .getId(), pfs, viewerAuthToken); // Assert.assertEquals(10, resultList.getCount()); // Assert.assertEquals(9912, resultList.getTotalCount()); // Make sure first 10 are sorted by dpn // Collections.sort(resultList.getObjects(), new Comparator<Concept>() { // @Override // public int compare(Concept o1, Concept o2) { // return o1.getName().compareTo( // o2.getName()); // } // });0039", authToken); * * assertTrue(result.getErrors().size() == 0); * assertTrue(result.getWarnings().size() == 0); } */
- testNormalUseRestProject003
- SemanticTypeGroupJpaUnitTest
- TODO: deal with this
- Entire class commented out, left in code
- OwlApiClassifier
- getInferredRelationships marked with // TODO
- getSubClassOfRelationship marked with // TODO: consider adding to OwlUtility
"throw new UnsupportedOperationException" has " TODO: implement this for use within the term server, not needed for loader" at the following locations:
- addModifiedConcepts
- getNewInferredHierarchicalRelationships
- getOldInferredRelationships
- getNewInferredRelationships
- getOldInferredHierarchicalRelationships
- getInferredHierarchicalRelationships
- addInferredRelationships has " TODO: may need to get descendants" after "Get subclasses of the LHS"
- setCommonFields has " // TODO: optimize this or pass it in" on component.setLastModified(new Date());
- getTerminologyId(Iri iri) has "
// TODO: we probably need to save information about the parts of the URL we
// are stripping"
- OwlLoaderAlgorithm
- getTerminologyId(Iri iri) has "
// TODO: we probably need to save information about the parts of the URL we
// are stripping"L286 // Determine version // releaseVersion = getReleaseVersion(directOntology); if (releaseVersion != null) { // TODO: consider other options try {
LOCATION: After rela.setExpandedForm, before rela.setReflexive // TODO: reenable for Owl DL features // NOT in OWL EL 2 - only for data properties // rela.setFunctional(ontology.getFunctionalObjectPropertyAxioms(prop) // .size() != 0); // NOT in OWL EL 2 // rela.setInverseFunctional(ontology // .getInverseFunctionalObjectPropertyAxioms(prop).size() != 0); // NOT in OWL EL 2 // rela.setIrreflexive(ontology.getIrreflexiveObjectPropertyAxioms(prop) // .size() != 0);
- getTerminologyId(Iri iri) has "
- ClamlLoaderAlgorithm
L910 // tokens[3]; -- nothing to do with tokens[3] at this point // TODO: could make an attribute out of it ? or a RELA (and relType // would be "dagger" or "reference", etc).
- Rf2DeltaLoaderAlgorithm
- updateAtrributes has // TODO: determine if c2 has anything not in c1
- loadComplexMapRefSetMembers has // TODO: do when we have mapping objects
- loadExtendedMapRefSetMembers has // TODO: do when we have mapping objects
- ProjectClientRest.findConceptsInScope
// converting to object
// ConceptListJpa list =
// (ConceptListJpa) ConfigUtility.getGraphForString(resultString,
// ConceptListJpa.class);
// return list;
return null;
- Rf2SnapshotLoaderAlgorithm
- loadComplexMapRefSets, loadExtendedMapRefSets
// TODO: for now terminology server doesn't load mappings.
// later development of mapping objects is needed
- loadComplexMapRefSets, loadExtendedMapRefSets
- LabelSetMarkedParentAlgorithm has "// TODO: this can be more efficient with an HQL Query" on "Look up and save all the ancestors"
- ProjectServiceJpa.findConceptsInScope
// TODO // Likely we want a more expansive scope definition that // can include concepts, terminologies, and/or semantic types. // the use cases // * editor only allowed to work on a certain sourcde // * editor only allowed to work in a particular content area // * editor of a terminology can only work in a subtree.
- ContentServiceJpa.clearBranch has // TODO: part of implementing branching
- SnomedctGraphResolutionHandler has // TODO: have a setProperties and add these to config.properites on private static String terminology = "SNOMEDCT"
- NewConceptMinRequirementsCheck has two // TODO in if (!c.isObsolete) blocks
- HlperUnit011Test.testHelperNormalUse011 has
// XmlSerializationTester tester4 = new XmlSerializationTester(map1);
// TODO: assertTrue(tester4.testXmlSerialization());