Getting Started

Getting Started

Info on what you will need to get started.


Start by reviewing the Prerequisites and Software Dependencies.

There are four key pieces of information you will need (these are obtained from West Coast Informatics via Use the WCI Terminology Service)

  • Docker image (a tagged image from publicly hosted DockerHub) - this will be the same image as used by other deployments

  • A Custom Postgres data dump file

  • A Custom Lucene indexes file (or an Elasticsearch indexes file)

  • A Custom “admin key” for administrative operations

You should receive an email from West Coast Informatics with this information when signing up for the service. For example,

Thank you for deciding to use the West Coast Informatics Terminology Server! To get started, take a look at our product wiki page: https://wci-wiki.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TSV2 For your deployment, you will need the following four pieces of information: 1. Docker Image = wcinformatics/wci-terminology-service:1.1.4.RELEASE 2. Postgres Dump File = https://wci-us-west-2.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/term-server-v2/data/wci-terminology-db-TEST-2020.dump 3. Lucene Indexes File = https://wci-us-west-2.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/term-server-v2/data/wci-terminology-indexes-TEST-2020.zip 4. Admin Key = aa0485d2-050a-4e8e-99f6-0586a4266765 NOTE: on launching the server for the first time, the default admin password is "admin" (can be changed on first login, see: https://wci-wiki.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TSV2/pages/118718489/First+Login)


For following the Building and Deploying (with Docker) instructions, it may be helpful to package the information above into a file along with postgres parameters like this:

dockerImage=wcinformatics/wci-terminology-service:1.1.4.RELEASE dumpUrl=https://wci-us-west-2.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/term-server-v2/data/wci-terminology-db-TEST-2020.dump indexUrl=https://wci-us-west-2.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/term-server-v2/data/wci-terminology-indexes-TEST-2020.zip PGDATABASE=terminologydb PGHOST=localhost PGPORT=5432 PGUSER=postgres PGPASSWORD=pgP@ssw0rd


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