Documents the available admin tools and how to run them.
Admin Scripts
These admin scripts are in the admin/loader/src/main/scripts folder and make certain tasks easier.
- load.bat, load.csh
- Used to create database, clear indexes, and load terminology data.
- loadDelta.bat, loadDelta.csh
- Used to run the delta loader.
- truncate_all.sql
- MySQL script for removing all tables.
- The alternative is to drop and recreate the schema
Update DB
Used to create or update the schema to accommodate new builds/installations or updating of schema.
- For this mojo to run, the database must already be created (e.g. Create database tsdb; )
- Connection parameters for the database must be set in the config.properties file.
When running, pass a run.config parameter whose value is the path to the config.properties file.
- Note, the default behavior is to run with the hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto setting set to "update".
- This can be overridden by running with a -Dhibernate.hbm2ddl.auto=create setting.
% cd admin/updatedb % mvn [-Dhibernate.hbm2ddl.auto=create] -Drun.config=/home/user/data/config.properties clean install
Used to load terminologies.
- For this mojo to run, the database must already be created (e.g. Create database tsdb; )
- Connection parameters for the database must be set in the config.properties file.
When running, pass a run.config parameter whose value is the path to the config.properties file.
- When running, the name of the profile to be run must be indicated (see admin/loader/pom.xml for current options), e.g. -P SNOMEDCT, -P ICD9CM
- The location of the RF2 formatted files must be supplied as an input parameter in config.properties, e.g. loader.SNOMEDCT.input.data=C:/data/snomedct-20140131-mini and loader.ICD9CM.input.data=C:/data/icd9cm_2013.xml
- The parameters used to determine the defaultPreferredName for Concepts must be provided in the config.properties file. Current values are:
% cd admin/loader % mvn -Drun.config=/home/user/data/config.properties -PICD9CM clean install
Used to remove terminologies.
- For this mojo to run, the database must already be created (e.g. Create database tsdb; )
- Connection parameters for the database must be set in a the config.;properties file.
When running, pass a run.config parameter whose value is the path to the config.;properties file.
- When running, the name of the profile to be run must be indicated (see admin/loader/pom.xml for current options), e.g. -P SNOMEDCT, -P ICD9CM.
% cd admin/remover % mvn -Drun.config=/home/user/data/config.properties -PICD9CM clean install
Used to create lucene indexes to facilitate searching. Indexes are created based on the hibernate-search annotations such as @Indexed, @IndexedEmbedded, @Field, @ContainedInetc.
- Indexes are written into the directory specified by the hibernate.search.default.indexBase property
When running, pass a run.config parameter whose value is the path to the config.properties file.
% cd parent/admin/lucene % mvn -Drun.config=/home/user/data/config.properties clean install |
- n/a