- Meetings
- SPRINT 5 - concludes January 9
- SPRINT 4 - concludes December 19
- SPRINT 3 - concludes November 28 - extended until 12/12
- SPRINT 2 - concludes October 30
- SPRINT 1 - concludes October 10 - DONE
- Future Features to consider
- a switch to disable changes at rest layer (so that server doesn't have to be taken down for admin tasks).
Eclipse Setup
- Performance tips - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5660247/hints-to-improve-eclipse-performance
- Eclipse Plugins
- Use version 4.4 (Luna) - consider the J2EE edition
- m2e with m2e-egit (Eclipse marketplace)
- Jautodoc (Eclipse marketplace)
- Set Eclipse preferences to use "UTF-8" as the character encoding and "Unix" as the line termination setting. These are not typical defaults
- See General->Workspace under Window->Preferences
- Code and XML Formatting in Eclipse (includes jautodoc configuration)
- Configure Java warnings/errors according to spec (need screenshots)
- All warnings (including missing javadoc) should be resolved before commits occur
- Keep these ignored
- Code Style
- Unqualified access to instance field
- Non-externalized strings
- Resource not managed via try-with-resource
- Potential programming problems
- n/a
- Name shadowing and conflicts
- local variable declaration hides another field
- Deprecated and restricted API
- n/a
- Unnecessary code
- Unnecessary else statement
- Generic Types
- Redundant type arguments
- Annotations
- n/a
- Code Style
- Configure Javadoc warnings
- Java -> Compiler -> Javadoc
- Set everything that's "ignore" to "warning" and check all boxes.