- Production deploy
- 6/12/2017 currently editing about 900 RADLEX concepts on MEME4
- Early July will likely add May/June NCI thesaurus together into MEME4 (not sure on size, complexity of this - and also dependent on new OWL2 inversion process)
- Transfer to new system for editing will happen 2nd half of July or later
- Will likely try to add NCI thesaurus at that point and shortly after add MTH
- Documented on NCI wiki on page "Loading MEME from NCI Meta"
- Priorities
- Documentation
- IN PROGRESS: NE-325: Screen shots (JFW)
- TODO: Text on wiki (BAC)
- NE-308: 30-sec to 1 min training videos (DSS, RAW)
- Mini run-throughs (stock dev build + running stock processes) - determine "correctness"
- Pre-production, Release (DONE)
- CORRECTNESS: compare output to input (REQUIRES work on MRSAT, MRREL, MRSAB, and MRHIER(MSH))
- Pre-production, Prod-Mid Cleanup, Feedback (requires a "release directory" (matching pre-prod) with MR files in it, can be exactly same as input MR files) (DONE)
- NCI Insertion, SNOMEDCT_US Insertion, MTH Insertion
- CORRECTNESS: verify assumptions and volume of data related to each step of the insertion.
- NCI Insertion, Pre-production, Release
- NCI Insertion, Pre-production, Prod-Mid Cleanup, Feedback
- Pre-production, Release (DONE)
- Scale testing
- DONE: ResetNciMetaDataDatabase - using 201610 data (input.dir = <dir with https://wci1.s3.amazonaws.com/NCI/NCIM_201610.zip>)
- NCI DONE: NCI Insertion - DONE
- MTH Insertion
- PreDONE: Pre-Production, Release
- Prod-Mid Cleanup, Feedback
- Feedback/Fixes - see Jira
- NEW NCI-337: - support ability to edit computeHierarchy flag for root terminologies in the UI
- There is still some concern about management of retired project concepts
- prod-mid cleanup should remove any old version atoms (as it does)
- NE-322: It should then remove any "empty" concepts (no atoms) that were not assigned a CUI (e.g. id = terminologyId).
- NE-323: Reload CUI history should ensure that there is not more than one project concept in the database with the same CUI assignment (as terminologyId).
- ongoing work.
- FOLLOWUPNCI-317: Turn GenerateNciMetaDAta loads of bins into files like workflowQa.txt for all bin types.
- NCI-336: Improvement for bin query editing, have the "TEst" button send back also a count and some examples (or have a different button for that)Javascript error when trying to "regenerate bin" on MID VAlidation
- Documentation