- Git client
- Java 7 8 installed
- Mysql 5.5 or 5.6 6.3 installed
- Maven 3.3.29. + installed
- Tomcat 7 8 installed and configured
- Eclipse Oxygen - J2EE edition
- Note that the below are likely deprecated (added in 2015) but leaving them here in case needed for reference
- Use version 4.4 (Luna) - J2EE edition
- m2e (the maven integration for eclipse - download from the market place)
- m2e-egit connector
- eGit - http://eclipse.github.com/
- Jautodoc - import configuration from Code and XML Formatting in Eclipse
- ObjectAid UML Diagram tool for class hierarchy visualization. Installed via Help->Install New Software. Instructions athttp://www.objectaid.net/installation
- FindBugs (static code analysis)
- AngularJS - see https://github.com/angelozerr/angularjs-eclipse/wiki/Getting-Started
- m2e (the maven integration for eclipse - download from the market place)
Step 1 - Create directories