- Download and install apache tomcat 7 in c:/apache-tomcat-XXXX
- In Eclipse use the J2EE perspective and click on the "Servers" tab.
- From here, you can add a server which simply involves pointing Eclipse to the install directory for Tomcat.
- You can right-click on term-server-rest.war file and use "Run As->Run on Server" to deploy to Tomcat.
- NOTE: sometimes in Eclipse this doesn't work and the tomcat does not properly recognize or deploy the app.
- In this event, double-click on the tomcat server installation in the servers tab.
- In the configuration screen click "Open launch configuration"
There, look on the Arguments tab and find the -D setting for "catalina.base", e.g.
Code Block -Dcatalina.base="C:\Users\Brian Carlsen\workspace-luna\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0"
- If you open this directory you'll see a "webapps" folder. To deploy you simply build and copy term-server-rest.war to that directory and launch the server in Eclipse.
The Tomcat server needs to be able to find the run configuration. Double-click on the Tomcat server you installed, open the launch configuration and add this setting:
Code Block -Drun.config.ts=/path/to/your/config.properties
This should be a demo app that links to a "swagger" Api documenting the current state of the APIserver. You You should be able to test services by using authenticating with "guest" username and "guest" as the authToken parameterpassword..
Step 10 - Integration test
Run the integration tests (only do this if you know what you're doing):
Code Block |
# configured to ponit ot DB loaded above. mvn -Prest -DskipTests=false -Drun.config.config.testts=/path/to/config.properties # configured to point to empty db mvn -Pmojo -DskipTests=false -Drun.config.ts=/path/to/config-test.properties test |