- DONE: serialization of concepts should include id, terminologyId, preferred name
- Applies to Description and Relationship
- Return 0 for Long if not set
- Return "" for String if not set
- DONE: Claml loader
- make sure transitive closure computation is working
DONE: BAC: REST APIs - fix @Consumes and @Produces
- Annotations are now at the class level, with TEXT_PLAIN overrides where parameters or return values are String.
- PG: Finalize integration REST testing
- DONE: security service
- DONE: Metadata Service
- DONE: Content Service
- History service
DONE: PG: History service - handle other data structures
- Loaders
- DONE: Make sure snapshot and full create release info
- DONE: BAC: RF2 full - get this working
- DONE: DS: RF2 delta
- Handle other data structures (currently only 4) - need to add sample data (and headers) too
- Remember AttributeValue and AssociationReference need handling for both description and concept
- Need new ContentServiceJpa methods
- No need for "handle retracted changes"
- Scale to full RF2
- Monitor the number of copies of objects
- BAC: Manage memory usage and optimize commit
- Can delta loader scale to a full sized delta?
- Load full SNOMED 20140731
- then load delta SNOMED 20150131
- Can snapshot loader scale to a full sized snapshot with only a single commit?
- Consider making description/concept connections merely an id (lose referential integrity, but these could be added qa database)
- Can delta loader scale to a full sized delta?
DONE: change run.config to run.config.ts
DONE: BAC: Admin tools - all should use "server" flag except for QaDatabase and Create/Updatedb
DONE: BAC: QA Admin tool - fill in queries and reuse
Add queries for project and for release info
DONE: BAC: Separate "updatedb" into
admin project called "db"
pass hibernate.hbm2dd.auto as a parameter to the execution
call System.setProperty("hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto", hbm2ddlParameter).
THEN create the root service.
"createdb" profile
"updatedb" profile
- Remove the properties section from pom.xml
- Update documentation.
DONE: Mojo integration testing
- BAC - Unit Testing
- model - add checks for @Field annotations (and analyze criteria)
- helpers
- handlers
- algorithms
- BAC - Unit Testing
- DONE: ProjectService
- add project, etc.
- ContentServiceRest
- DONE: findXXX methods for refset members
- find all refset members (by refset id)
- DONE: get all members for a concept/description
- DONE: getInverseRelationships(Concept)
- ***Unit Integration testing for these. - need spreadsheet.
- DONE: findXXX methods for refset members
- DONE: Very basic user interface (as part of rest project).
- Header/Footer
- Point to swagger (change that index page to swagger.html)
- Security: login/logout
- Metadata:
- show terminologies and versions
- show all metadata for a selected terminology
- Content
- find concept
- get ancestors
- get children
- get descendants