Clone the Github repository to a local directory (e.g. c:/workspace/SNOMED-Terminology-Server)
Step 2
- Create a directory to hold your configuration and data files (e.g. c:/data)
- Copy the term-server-config/src/main/resources/data/snomedct-20140131-mini folder to your data directory (e.g. c:/data);.
- Copy the term-server-config/src/main/resources/config.properties.dev to your data directory (e.g. c:/data) and rename it to "config.properties"
Step 3
Edit the configuration file to set correctly for your environment. In particular, edit these:
Set three environment variables:
- MVN_HOME - path to mvn installation (so bin/mvn is accessible from there)
- Only needed on Windows, assume "mvn" is in path on Linux
- SERVER_CONFIG - path to the configuration file (e.g. c:/data/config.properties).
- SERVER_HOME - path to where the code is installed, (e.g. c:/workspace/SNOMED-Terminology-Server)