Versions Compared


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Clone the Github repository to a local directory (e.g. c:/workspace/SNOMED-Terminology-Server)

Step 2 - Stock setup for Windows development

  • Create a directory to hold your configuration and data files (e.g. c:/data)
  • Copy the term-server-config/src/main/resources/data/snomedct-20140131-mini folder to your data directory (e.g. c:/data).
  • Copy the term-server-config/src/main/resources/data/icd9cm-2013.xml file into your data directory (e.g. c:/data)
  • Copy the term-server-config/windows-dev/src/main/resources/ .dev to your data directory (e.g. c:/data) and rename it to ""


  • javax.persistence.jdbc.url
  • javax.persistence.jdbc.user
  • javax.persistence.jdbc.password
  •   (recommend choosing something below your data dir, e.g. c:/data/indexes)
  • (set to the path of your SNOMED data, e.g. c:/data/snomedct-20140131-mini)
  • (set to the path of your ICD9CM data, e.g. c:/data/icd9cm-2013.xml)
  • (set to false for dev environment)

Step 4

Set three up environment variables:


  • Only needed on Windows, assume "mvn" is in path on Linux



  • Make sure the "mvn" executable for your local maven installation is in the path
    • On Windows this means adding to the PATH variable so that it runs in a "cmd" shell without fully qualified path.

Step 5

Create a MySQL UTF8 database. e.g.

  • CREATE database tsdb CHARACTER SET utf8 default collate utf8_unicode_ci;

Step 6

Run Deploy the admin tools and run the loader script for your platform.  See environment. 

  • Perform a "mvn install" on the "admin" project.
  • Unpack admin/target/term-server-admin


  • load.bat - for Windows
  • - for Linux.*.zip to a directory
  • For Windows (recommend c:/data/bin)
    • Edit the configuration settings at the top of "load.bat"
    • Run load.bat
  • For Mac, Linux, or other Unix (recommend ~/bin)
    • Edit the configuration settings at the top of "load.csh"
    • Run load.csh

NOTE: if re-running this, you first have to run the sql in "truncate_all.sql" to clear your database of tables (Recommend using MySQL Workbench for this in the dev environment).

Step 7

Build all modules with "mvn clean install" at the top level - either through Eclipse or via the command line.  Among other things, this will produce a term-server-rest.war file that can be deployed.


  • Download and install apache tomcat 7 in c:/apache-tomcat-XXXX
  • In Eclipse use the J2EE perspective and click on the "Servers" tab.
  • From here, you can add a server which simply involves pointing Eclipse to the install directory for Tomcat.
  • You can right-click on term-server-rest.war file and use "Run As->Run on Server" to deploy to Tomcat.
    • NOTE: sometimes in Eclipse this doesn't work and the tomcat does not properly recognize or deploy the app.
    • In this event, double-click on the tomcat server installation in the servers tab.
    • In the configuration screen click "Open launch configuration"
    • There, look on the Arguments tab and find the -D setting for "catalina.base", e.g.

      Code Block
      -Dcatalina.base="C:\Users\Brian Carlsen\workspace-luna\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0"
    •  If you open this directory you'll see a "webapps" folder.  To deploy you simply build and copy term-server-rest.war to that directory and launch the server in Eclipse.
  • The Tomcat server needs to be able to find the run configuration. Double-click on the Tomcat server you installed, open the launch configuration and add this setting:

    Code Block
