Browsing Subsets

Browsing Subsets

User guide on the features around browsing subsets.

NOTE: the default label for this feature is “Subsets”, but this can be overridden on a terminology-by-terminology basis to better reflect the naming conventions of that terminology.


To browse metadata, select the “Terminology” tab, choose a terminology (e.g. SNOMEDCT_US), and open the “Subsets” (or “Refsets”, or “Value Sets”) accordion. You should see something like this:

This displays the subsets (or refsets, or value sets) loaded along with the selected terminology. NOTE: for some terminologies, this section will be empty (and a message will reflect that there are no subsets).

The table can be sorted (or reverse sorted) by clicking on the corresponding column headers.

Clicking on an entry in this table causes the membership to be looked up and displayed

This shows the first page of the 144 members belonging to this SNOMEDCT_US Refset.

The table can be sorted (or reverse sorted) by clicking on the corresponding column headers.

In this view, the concept ids are linked and will load the corresponding concept report into the “Content” section of the display if clicked on (See Browsing Content for more info).



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