TermServer currently supports MySQL database management system (DBMS).


Even though Hibernate abstract much of the code conversion between different database by using a dialect for each database, issues still arise within the application

Here are some of the issues will adding support for Oracle database.

Reserved Words

In SourceDataFileJpa size should be: 

/** The file size. */
@Column(name = "\"size\"", nullable = false, unique = false)
private Long size;

In TerminologyJpa current should be:

/** The is current. */
@Column(name = "\"current\"", nullable = false)
private boolean current = false;

In WorklistJpa number should be:

/** The number, also the last part of the name. */
@Column(name="\"number\"", nullable = false)
private int number;

Empty Strings

FIX: still being tested.

OPTION 1: make affected columns NULL.  This may cause an issue with referential integrity.

OPTION 2: set default value to “ “ (single space) for affected columns.

OPTION 3: there has to be something better than 1 or 2!

Specifying Database Engines

Hibernate Conversion of Java Data Types