select * from concept_relationships where from_id = (select id from concepts where terminologyid ='48979004 ')
and obsolete = false
and inferred = false;-- 3 (2 RelType = 'Is a' and 1 RelType = 'other' ... ID: '2960880')
List<ConceptRelationship> rels = con.getRelationships()
Access the "other" relationship information (with relationshipId : 2960880)
select * from concepts where terminologyid in (select additionalRelationshipType from concept_relationships where id = '2960880');
-- returns Laterality
-- Note: additionalRelationshipType is a snomed Id
Concept c = contentClientRestClient.getConcept(rel.getAdditionalRelationshipType(), terminology, version, null, authToken);
Get the Relationship Destination
select * from concepts where id in (select to_id from concept_relationships where id = '2960880');
-- returns Left-- Note: to_id is a concept id (i.e. not a SCTID)
Concept c = contentClientRestClient.rel.getTo();
Get the Characteristic Type
select inferred from concept_relationships where id = '2960880';
-- returns 0
-- Note: 1 means inferred
-- Note: There appears to also be a field 'stated' which should always be an inverse of the 'inferred' field as proven by fact that this returns zero values: select * from concept_relationships where inferred = stated and obsolete = false;
Boolean isInferred = rel.isInferred();
-- or Boolean isStated = rel.isStated()
-- or alternatively Boolean isStated = !rel.isInferred()
Get the Relationship Group
select relGroup from concepts where id in (select to_id from concept_relationships where id = '2960880');
-- returns 0String group = rel.getGroup();