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Sprint to continuing to develop core features of the application

Fleshing out APIs

  • DONE: ***Flesh out "examples" project to 10 examples
    • Address "toString" methods of the main data types.
  • DONE: ***Change "TerminologyVersion" => "Version" (terminologyVersion => version, "terminology version" => version)
    • *java, *html, *js, *properties
    • This requires all features checked in and no new dev underway. (shoot for Friday 5/29)
  • Handle blank query scenario in "findConceptsForQuery", etc..
  • DONE: Double-check that all rest services always close the service (e.g. in "finally")
  • PG (in progress): Mobile friendly site
  • DONE: Lucene enhancements
  • Content service rest
    • Implement searching for tree positions by ancestor path.
    • DONE: Implement getConcept, getDescriptor, getCode, getLexicalClass, and getStringClass
    • DONE: Implement findConceptsForQuery (ignore branching for now) and related methods.
    • DONE: Implement rest client as well
    • DONE: Implement methods for accessing subsets as well
      • GraphReoslutionHandler:
        • public resolve(Subset)
        • public resolve(SubsetMember)
      • Call the resolver on the ContentServiceRest services for subset/subsetmember (like it is used in getConcept/findConcepts...)
      • DefaultGraphResolutionHandler/UmlsGraphResolutionHandler
        • for subsets:
          • resolve name
          • "skip" subset members
          • resolve attributes 
        • for subset members
          • resolve member.getName()
          • resolve attributes
    • DONE: Begin developing integration tests to validate the data (could start with content service tests)
    • DONE: later : get relationships for a concept - e.g. CUI relationships
      • ContentServiceRest getDeepRelationshipsForConcept(String terminologyId/terminolgy/Version, PfsParameter pfs, auth token)
    • DONE: autocompletion methods (BAC)
    • treeposition methods
      • TreeList findTreesForConcept/Code/Descriptor(String terminologyId/terminology/version, boolean includeChildren, PfsParameter pfs)
      • findConcept/Code/DescriptorTreesForQuery(String terminology/version, String query, boolean startAtRoot, PfsParameter pfs)
      • getRootConcepts/Codes/Descriptions

    • DONE: Subset services
      • getSubset - by id or terminologyId - NO REST CALL FOR THIS
      • getAtomSubsets - SubsetList
      • getConceptSubsets
      • getSubsetMembersForAtom - takes atom terminology id
      • getSubsetMembersForConcept - takes a concept terminology id
      • findAtomSubsetMembers
      • findConceptSubsetMembers
      Add a content service to take a query (to return Concepts/Descriptions/Codes).ContentClientRest.get{
  • REST service for a general concept query (e.g. lucene query, HQL query, or SQL query)
    • Must start with "SELECT " and not contain ";"
      • provide appropriate error message via exception if not
    • Execute the query but check the object type of the first result
      • if doesn't match expected type, fail with an exception.
    • Implement for Concept, Code, Descriptor}sForQuery(String luceneQuery, String hqlQuery, PfsParameterJpa psf)
    • Verify hqlQuery must start with
      • SELECT a FROM Concept/Code/DescriptorJpa a (depending on type)
    • ContentServiceRest/Impl...
    • ContentService/Jpa
      • Find the type of query - apply the PFS appropriately.
      • use the "set timeout" feature of JPA queries.

      • use "createQuery" for HQL
      • use "createNativeQuery" for NATIVE
    • Use timeout = 
      query.setHint("javax.persistence.query.timeout", timeout);
    REST service for a general concept query (e.g. lucene query, HQL query, or SQL query)
    • Must be a SELECT if query
    • Use a timeout so if it runs longer than X, process is terminated.
  • Domain model
    • DONE: Add property chains (to metadata)
    • DONE: LexicalClass - set normalized string (needs handler) 
    • DONE: TreePosition (and tree position computer) - childCt
    Handle single-level branching (no sub-branching). 
    • (branch = :branch OR branchedTo not like :branchMatch)
  • Semantic search (via search criteria)
    • IN PROGRESS: Add criteria for the results being a descendant of X
  • DONE: UserPreferences - tty list
  • Websocket (for a WebsocketWorkflowListener)
  • "smart" RRF loader should support a config file to indicate what level at which definitions should be attached and should handle RXNORM and NCIt concepts.
  • Updated UI for UMLS
    • add an additional picklist for "id type"
    • DONE: Base view around a Concept Report
    • DONE: page relationships (and possibly attributes)
    • compute/page "contexts" - need to actually compute paths to the root 
    • DONE: +/- icons for expanding elements (e.g. atoms) that have more info
    • UI for "semantic search" and for "general query" search
    • terminology lock/unlock - to turn it into a single-terminology browser.
    escg (expression grammar - research)
  • "Marked parent refset" - or in this case for subsets - identify the concept ancestors (e.g. of concept subsets) so they can be labelled in a hierarchical display
    • decorate tree position operations when handling browser stuff.
  • DONE: Startup routines should verify the presence of "DEFAULT" handlers when they are needed to exist
  • DONE: ContentServiceJpa/Rest
    • graph resolver doesn't resolve relationships
    • rest call for getting the relationships of a concept/descriptor/etc
  • Fully implement search criteria where it applies and pfs is used in a ContentServiceJpa method.
    • TODO: find cases where pfs.queryRestriction is used and we could be using
  • Callback services (e.g. for subset members, relationships, or tree positions should always include a "query" and those corresponding objeects should be indexed with their xmlTransient-related fields).
  • Optimize the handling of "umls metadta handler" with respect to caching all the data.  Maybe cache it all immediately upon loading?
    • or in a thread
    • either that or track which values are actually used at load time. - though caching doesn't require QA.


Fleshing out the API

  • Switch to a default build of the SAMPLE_2014AB and redo metadata and content tests against that data set.  Then we may be able to have more complete hierarchies and some code data to work with.



User Interface Dev

  • Browser with hierarchy

  • Basic concept editing (editable report)

  • Subset management (e.g. “refset” tool)


  • RRF Loader
    • Finish metadata loading
    • Do content loading
  • RRF Loader - single source


Future Stuff

  • escg (expression grammar - research)
  • Use Lucene SynonymFilter with synonym table
  • Component-Component relationships (between any two components).
  • Value set definitions (and marking of subset.isValueSet()) and linking to definition? via attribute?
  • Owl loader, Owl export of DL terminologies (e.g. RF2-loaded SNOMED)
  • Rdf export (flat)
  • Classifier (owl interface)
  • Expression language (based on SNOMED expression constraint grammar)
  • Sub-branching
    • branchResolutionHandler - figures out how to copy and mark branched objects  and update indexes  - for different branching strategies.
  • Handle mappings - may be not worth it
  • Implement an RF2 loader (use DL features)
  • Implement a ClaML loader
  • Support semantic network (e.g. sty rels, etc).  - probably want to wait for a real ontology - and maybe even load it as such.