nci_merge: Merged SCUI current version NCI atoms
Code Block select distinct ac.id conceptId from concepts ac, concepts_atoms bca, atoms ca where ac.terminology = :terminology and ac.id = bca.concepts_id and bca.atoms_id = ca.id and a.publishable = true and ca.terminology='NCI' group by ac.id having count(distinct ca.conceptId)>1
nci_sub_split: Split SCUI current version NCI (or sub-source) atoms
Code Block --Identify Sub-source atoms that aren't in the same concept as the NCI atom with the same conceptId SELECT DISTINCT c.id conceptId1, c1.id conceptId2 FROM concepts c, concepts_atoms ca, atoms a, concepts c1, concepts_atoms ca1, atoms a1 WHERE c.terminology = :terminology AND c1.terminology = :terminology AND c.id = ca.concepts_id AND ca.atoms_id = a.id AND c1.id = ca1.concepts_id AND ca1.atoms_id = a1.id AND a.terminology = 'NCI' AND a1.terminology IN (SELECT terminology FROM root_terminologies WHERE family = 'NCI' AND terminology != 'NCI') AND a.conceptId = a1.conceptId AND c.id != c1.id
sct_sepfnpt: SNOMED concept clusters where the FN and PT terms are separated
Code Block SELECT DISTINCT c.id conceptId1, c1.id conceptId2 FROM concepts c, concepts_atoms ca, atoms a, concepts c1, concepts_atoms ca1, atoms a1 WHERE c.terminology = :terminology AND c1.terminology = :terminology AND a.terminology = 'SNOMEDCT_US' AND a1.terminology = 'SNOMEDCT_US' AND c.id = ca.concepts_id AND ca.atoms_id = a.id AND c1.id = ca1.concepts_id AND ca1.atoms_id = a1.id AND a.termType = 'FN' AND a1.termType = 'PT' AND a.conceptId = a1.conceptId AND c.id != c1.id
cdsty_coc: Find concepts with Clinical Drug STY and any other STY
Code Block SELECT DISTINCT c.id conceptId FROM concepts c, concepts_semantic_type_components cs WHERE c.terminology = :terminology AND c.id = cs.concepts_id AND cs.concepts_id IN (SELECT cs.concepts_id FROM concepts c, concepts_semantic_type_components cs, semantic_type_components s WHERE c.terminology = :terminology AND c.id = cs.concepts_id AND cs.semanticTypes_id = s.id AND s.semanticType = 'Clinical Drug') GROUP BY cs.concepts_id HAVING COUNT(cs.concepts_id) > 1
multsty:concepts with more than 3 STYs|
Code Block SELECT DISTINCT cs.concepts_id conceptId FROM concepts c, concepts_semantic_type_components cs, semantic_type_components s WHERE c.terminology = :terminology AND c.id = cs.concepts_id AND cs.semanticTypes_id = s.id GROUP BY c.id HAVING COUNT(c.id) > 3
styisa:One STY is an ancestor of another in the STY isa hierarchy
Code Block select t1.conceptId from (select c.id conceptId, st.id styId, st.treeNumber from concepts c, concepts_semantic_type_components cstc, (select stc.id, st.treeNumber from semantic_type_components stc join semantic_types st on (stc.semanticType = st.expandedForm)) st WHERE c.terminology = :terminology AND c.id = cstc.concepts_id AND cstc.semanticTypes_id = st.id) t1 JOIN (select c.id conceptId, st.id styId, st.treeNumber from concepts c, concepts_semantic_type_components cstc, (select stc.id, st.treeNumber from semantic_type_components stc join semantic_types st on (stc.semanticType = st.expandedForm)) st WHERE c.terminology = :terminology AND c.id = cstc.concepts_id AND cstc.semanticTypes_id = st.id) t2 on (t1.conceptId = t2.conceptId and t1.styId != t2.styId and t1.treeNumber != t2.treeNumber) WHERE t2.treeNumber like concat(t1.treeNumber, '.%')
sfo_lfo: Short form in one concept, long form in another
Code Block --ShortForm/LongForm of what object?
deleted_cui: CUIs that are going away - will need bequeathal rel
Code Block unpublishable NCIMTH concepts?
NON-required bins
- rxnorm_merge: RXCUI Merges
Same as nci_merge but with RXNORM
Code Block select a.id clusterId, a.id conceptId from concepts a, concepts_atoms b, atoms c where a.terminology = :terminology and a.id = b.concepts_id and b.atoms_id = c.id and c.terminology='RXNORM' group by a.id having count(distinct c.conceptId)>1
- cbo_merge: Merged SCUI current version CBO atoms
Same as nci_merge but with CBO
Code Block select a.id clusterId, a.id conceptId from concepts a, concepts_atoms b, atoms c where a.terminology = :terminology and a.id = b.concepts_id and b.atoms_id = c.id and c.terminology='CBO' group by a.id having count(distinct c.conceptId)>1
mdr_merge: Merged SDUI current version MDR atoms
Code Block SELECT c.id clusterId, c.id conceptId FROM concepts c, concepts_atoms ca, atoms a WHERE c.terminology = :terminology are related atoms -- These live in the DB as "SY" atom relationships with RELA value either equal to "expanded_form_of" or starting with "mth_" and ending with "_form_of" SELECT c1.id conceptId1, c2.id conceptId2 FROM concepts c1, concepts_atoms ca1, atoms a1, concepts c2, concepts_atoms ca2, atoms a2, (SELECT ar.from_id, ar.to_id FROM atom_relationships ar WHERE publishable = TRUE AND relationshipType = 'SY' AND c.id(additionalRelationshipType = ca.concepts_id'expanded_form_of' AND ca.atoms_id = a.id OR additionalRelationshipType LIKE 'mth_%_form_of')) sfoLfoRels WHERE AND ac1.terminology = 'MDRNCIMTH' GROUP BY c.id HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT a.descriptorId) > 1
pdq_merge: Merged SDUI current version PDQ atoms
Code Block SELECT c.id clusterId, c.id conceptId FROM AND c2.terminology = 'NCIMTH' concepts c, AND c1.id = ca1.concepts_atomsid ca, atoms a WHERE AND c.terminologyca1.atoms_id = :terminologya1.id AND cc2.id = caca2.concepts_id AND caca2.atoms_id = aa2.id AND aa1.terminologyid = 'PDQ' GROUP BY c.id HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT a.descriptorId) > 1
- sct_sepfnpt: SNOMED concept clusters where the FN and PT terms are separated
- DUPLICATE of above
rxnorm_split: RXCUI splits
nci_pdq_merge: Concepts containing current version NCI and current version PDQ atoms
Code Block SELECT DISTINCT sfoLfoRels.from_id AND a2.id = sfoLfoRels.to_id AND c1.id != c2.id
deleted_cui: CUIs that are going away - will need bequeathal rel
Code Block SELECT DISTINCT c.id conceptId FROM concepts atoms ac, concepts_atoms a1ca, atoms a conceptsWHERE c, c.terminology = 'NCIMTH' concepts c1, AND c.id != c.terminologyId concepts_atoms ca, AND c.id = ca.concepts_atomsid ca1, AND ca.atoms_id = terminologiesa.id t, AND a.publishable = terminologiesFALSE t1 WHERE AND NOT c.terminologyid =IN :terminology( SELECT AND c1.terminology = :terminologyDISTINCT c.id conceptId FROM AND c.id = ca.concepts_id concepts c, AND ca.concepts_atoms_id =ca, a.id atoms a AND c1.id = ca1.concepts_idWHERE AND ca1.atoms_idc.terminology = a1.id 'NCIMTH' AND ac.terminologyid = 'NCI'ca.concepts_id AND aca.terminologyatoms_id = ta.terminologyid AND a.versionpublishable = t.versionTRUE ) AND NOT c.id IN AND( t.current = TRUE SELECT ANDDISTINCT a1c.terminologyid =conceptId 'PDQ' FROM AND a1.terminology = t1.terminologyconcepts c, concept_relationships cr AND a1.version = t1.version WHERE AND t1c.currentterminology = TRUE 'NCIMTH' AND c.id = c1cr.id
nci_sct_merge: Concepts containing current version NCI and current version SNOMEDCT atoms
Code Block SELECT DISTINCTfrom_id c.id conceptIdAND FROMcr.relationshipType like 'B%' atoms) a, AND NOT c.id atomsIN a1,( conceptsSELECT c, concepts c1, c.id conceptId FROM concepts_atoms ca, concepts_atoms ca1c, terminologies t, concepts_atoms ca terminologies t1 WHERE c.terminology = :terminology 'NCIMTH' AND c1c.terminologyid = :terminologyca.concepts_id AND c.id = ca.concepts_id IN ( AND ca.atoms_id =SELECT a.id AND c1.id = ca1.ca.concepts_id AND ca1.atoms_id = a1.idFROM AND a.terminology = 'NCI'concepts_atoms ca, ANDatoms a.terminology = t.terminology WHERE AND a.version = t.version ca.atoms_id = AND ta.currentid = TRUE AND a1a.terminology = IN ('MTH', 'SNOMEDCT_USNCIMTH') AND a1a.terminologytermType = t1.terminology'PN' ) AND a1.version = t1.versionGROUP BY ca.concepts_id AND t1.current = TRUE HAVING AND c.id = c1.id
ambig_no_pn: Ambiguous concepts where at least one has no MTH/PN nor NCIMTH/PN (sepstring)
Code Block --Ambiguous concept = concepts that share atoms that have the same case-insensitive name -- This is used by several of the below queries, so it should be created as a VIEW CREATE VIEW ambig_concepts AS SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(DISTINCT ca.atoms_id) = 1 ) AND NOT c.id IN ( SELECT ca.concepts_id conceptId FROM mrcui mr, atomjpa_conceptterminologyids ac, c1.id conceptId1concepts_atoms ca, c2.id conceptId2 FROMconcepts cpt WHERE concepts c1, mr.cui1 = ac.conceptTerminologyIds concepts_atoms ca1, AND ca.atoms_id = ac.AtomJpa_id atoms a1, AND cpt.id concepts c2, concepts_atoms ca2,= ca.concepts_id atoms a2 WHERE c1AND cpt.terminology = 'NCIMTH' AND c2ac.terminologyconceptTerminologyIds_KEY = 'NCIMTH' AND c1mr.idrel = ca1.concepts_id AND ca1.atoms_id = a1.id AND c2'DEL' )
NON-required bins
- rxnorm_merge: RXCUI Merges
Same as nci_merge but with RXNORM
Code Block select distinct c.id conceptId from concepts c, concepts_atoms ca, atoms a where c.terminology = :terminology and c.id =
and ca.atoms_id =
a.id and a.publishable = true and a.terminology='RXNORM' group by a.conceptId having
- cbo_merge: Merged SCUI current version CBO atoms
Same as nci_merge but with CBO
Code Block select distinct c.id conceptId from concepts c, concepts_atoms ca, atoms a where
c.terminology =
:terminology and c.id = ca.concepts_id
and ca.atoms_id
a.id and a.publishable = true and a.terminology='CBO' group by c.id having
--Use Pre-programmed View ambig_concepts SELECT conceptId1, conceptId2 FROM ambig_concepts WHERE NOT ambig_concepts.conceptId1 IN (SELECT ca.concepts_id FROM concepts_atoms ca, atoms a WHERECode Block a.conceptId)>1
mdr_merge: Merged SDUI current version MDR atoms
Code Block select distinct c.id conceptId from concepts c, concepts_atoms ca, atoms a where c.terminology = :terminology and c.id = ca.concepts_id and ca.atoms_id = a.id and a.publishable = true and a.terminology='MDR' group by c.id having count(distinct a.descriptorId)>1
pdq_merge: Merged SDUI current version PDQ atoms
Code Block select distinct c.id conceptId from concepts c, concepts_atoms ca, atoms a where c.terminology = :terminology and c.id = ca.concepts_id and ca.atoms_id = a.id and a.publishable = true and a.terminology='PDQ' group by c.id having count(distinct a.descriptorId)>1
- sct_sepfnpt: SNOMED concept clusters where the FN and PT terms are separated
- DUPLICATE of above
rxnorm_split: RXCUI splits
Code Block select distinct c.id conceptId from concepts c, concepts_atoms ca, atoms a where c.terminology = :terminology and c.id = ca.concepts_id and ca.atoms_id = a.id and a.publishable = true and a.terminology='RXNORM' group by a.conceptId having count(distinct c.id)>1
nci_pdq_merge: Concepts containing current version NCI and current version PDQ atoms
Code Block SELECT DISTINCT AND a.terminology IN ('NCIMTH' , 'MTH') c.id conceptId FROM atoms a, atoms a1, AND a.termType = 'PN')concepts c, concepts c1, AND NOT ambig_concepts.conceptId2 IN (SELECT concepts_atoms ca, concepts_atoms ca1, terminologies t, terminologies t1 WHERE cac.concepts_idterminology = :terminology FROM AND c1.terminology = :terminology concepts_atoms ca,AND c.id = ca.concepts_id AND ca.atoms_id = a.id WHEREAND c1.id = ca1.concepts_id AND caca1.atoms_id = aa1.id AND a.terminology = 'NCI' AND a.terminology = t.terminology IN ('NCIMTH' , 'MTH') AND a.version = t.version AND at.termTypecurrent = 'PN')
ambig_no_rel: Ambiguous concepts that lack an approved REL
Code Block --Use Pre-programmed View ambig_concepts SELECTTRUE AND a1.terminology conceptId1, conceptId2 FROM= 'PDQ' ambig_concepts WHERE AND a1.terminology = NOTt1.terminology (conceptId1 , conceptId2) IN (SELECT AND a1.version = t1.version cr.from_id, cr.to_id AND t1.current = TRUE FROM AND c.id = c1.id
nci_sct_merge: Concepts containing current version NCI and current version SNOMEDCT atoms
pn_pn_ambig: Identical (same SUI) PN's in multipleCode Block SELECT DISTINCT concept_Relationships cr c.id conceptId FROM atoms a, WHERE atoms a1, concepts c, cr.publishable = TRUEconcepts c1, concepts_atoms ca, AND cr.workflowStatus in ('READY_FOR_PUBLICATION','PUBLISHED'))
pn: Concepts with multiple MTH/PN_
pn_no_ambig: Concept has MTH/PN atom but no ambiguous stringCode Block SELECT DISTINCT ca1, c.id conceptId FROMterminologies t, terminologies conceptst1 c,WHERE atoms a, c.terminology = :terminology concepts_atoms ca WHERE AND cc1.terminology = :terminology AND c.id = ca.concepts_id AND ca.atoms_id = a.id AND a.terminology in ('MTH', 'NCIMTH') c1.id = ca1.concepts_id AND ca1.atoms_id = a1.id AND a.termTypeterminology = 'PNNCI' GROUP BY c.id HAVINGAND COUNT(c.id) > 1
ambig_pn: MTH/PN atom is ambiguous but has no matching ambiguous stringpn_orphan: MTH/PNs on their own
Code Block --Concepts whose only publishable atoms are MTH/PN or NCIMTH/PN
nosty: No STY
Code Block SELECT DISTINCT c.id conceptId FROM concepts c LEFT JOIN concepts_semantic_type_components cs ON (c.id = cs.concepts_id) WHERE c.terminology= :terminology AND cs.semanticTypes_id IS NULL
missing_sty: Reviewed concepts without releasable Semantic Types
Code Block SELECT DISTINCT c.id conceptId FROM concepts c WHERE c.terminology = :terminologya.terminology = t.terminology AND a.version = t.version AND t.current = TRUE AND a1.terminology = 'SNOMEDCT_US' AND a1.terminology = t1.terminology AND a1.version = t1.version AND t1.current = TRUE AND c.id = c1.id
ambig_no_pn: Ambiguous concepts where at least one has no MTH/PN nor NCIMTH/PN (sepstring)
Code Block --Ambiguous concept = concepts that share atoms that have the same case-insensitive name -- This is used by several of the below queries, so it should be created as a VIEW CREATE VIEW ambig_concepts AS SELECT DISTINCT c1.id conceptId1, c2.id conceptId2 FROM concepts c1, concepts_atoms ca1, atoms a1, concepts c2, concepts_atoms ca2, atoms a2 WHERE c1.terminology = 'NCIMTH' AND c2.terminology = 'NCIMTH' AND c1.id = ca1.concepts_id AND ca1.atoms_id = a1.id AND c2.id = ca2.concepts_id AND ca2.atoms_id = a2.id AND c1.id < c2.id AND a1.lowerNameHash = a2.lowerNameHash AND a1.id != a2.id AND a1.publishable = TRUE AND a2.publishable = TRUE
Code Block --Use Pre-programmed View ambig_concepts SELECT conceptId1, conceptId2 FROM ambig_concepts WHERE NOT ambig_concepts.conceptId1 IN (SELECT ca.concepts_id FROM concepts_atoms ca, atoms a WHERE ca.atoms_id = a.id AND a.terminology IN ('NCIMTH' , 'MTH') AND a.termType = 'PN') AND NOT ambig_concepts.conceptId2 IN (SELECT ca.concepts_id FROM concepts_atoms ca, atoms a WHERE ca.atoms_id = a.id AND a.terminology IN ('NCIMTH' , 'MTH') AND a.termType = 'PN')
ambig_no_rel: Ambiguous concepts that lack an approved REL
Code Block --Use Pre-programmed View ambig_concepts SELECT conceptId1, conceptId2 FROM ambig_concepts WHERE NOT (conceptId1 , conceptId2) IN (SELECT cr.from_id, cr.to_id FROM concept_Relationships cr WHERE cr.publishable = TRUE AND cr.workflowStatus in ('READY_FOR_PUBLICATION','PUBLISHED'))
pn_pn_ambig: Identical (same SUI) PN's in multiple concepts
Code Block SELECT c1.id conceptId1, c2.id conceptId2 FROM concepts c1, concepts c2, concepts_atoms ca1, concepts_atoms ca2, (SELECT a1.id atomId1, a2.id atomId2 FROM atoms a1, atoms a2 WHERE a1.termType = 'PN' AND a2.termType = 'PN' AND a1.stringClassId = a2.stringClassId AND a1.id != a2.id) identicalPNAtoms WHERE c1.terminology = :terminology AND c2.terminology = :terminology AND c1.id = ca1.concepts_id AND c2.id = ca2.concepts_id AND ca1.atoms_id = identicalPNAtoms.atomId1 AND ca2.atoms_id = identicalPNAtoms.atomId2 AND c1.id != c2.id
multiple_pn: Concepts with multiple MTH/PN atoms
Code Block SELECT DISTINCT c.id conceptId FROM concepts c, atoms a, concepts_atoms ca WHERE c.terminology = :terminology AND c.id = ca.concepts_id AND ca.atoms_id = a.id AND a.terminology in ('MTH', 'NCIMTH') AND a.termType = 'PN' GROUP BY c.id HAVING COUNT(c.id) > 1
pn_no_ambig: Concept has MTH/PN atom but no ambiguous string
Code Block select distinct c.id conceptId from concepts c, concepts_atoms ca, atoms a where c.terminology = :terminology and c.id = ca.concepts_id and ca.atoms_id = a.id and a.publishable = true and a.terminology in ('NCIMTH','MTH') and a.termType = 'PN' and not c.id in (select conceptId1 from ambig_concepts)
ambig_pn: MTH/PN atom is ambiguous but has no matching ambiguous string
Drop. No longer useful.
pn_orphan: MTH/PNs on their own
Code Block --Concepts whose only publishable atoms are MTH/PN or NCIMTH/PN SELECT c.id conceptId FROM concepts c, concepts_atoms ca WHERE c.terminology = :terminology AND c.id = ca.concepts_id AND ca.concepts_id IN (SELECT ca.concepts_id FROM concepts_atoms ca, atoms a WHERE ca.atoms_id = a.id AND a.terminology IN ('MTH' , 'NCIMTH') AND a.termType = 'PN' AND a.publishable = true) GROUP BY ca.concepts_id HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT ca.atoms_id) = 1
nosty: No STY
Code Block SELECT DISTINCT c.id conceptId FROM concepts c LEFT JOIN concepts_semantic_type_components cs ON (c.id = cs.concepts_id) WHERE c.terminology= :terminology AND c.publishable = TRUE AND cs.semanticTypes_id IS NULL
missing_sty: Reviewed concepts without releasable Semantic Types
Code Block SELECT DISTINCT c.id conceptId FROM concepts c WHERE c.terminology = :terminology AND c.publishable = TRUE AND c.workflowStatus IN ('READY_FOR_PUBLICATION' , 'PUBLISHED') AND NOT c.id IN (SELECT c.id FROM concepts c, concepts_semantic_type_components cs, semantic_type_components s WHERE c.terminology = :terminology AND c.id = cs.concepts_id AND cs.semanticTypes_id = s.id AND s.publishable = TRUE)
cbo_chem: Current version CBO concepts with CHEM STYs
Code Block -- to find chemical semantic types (select distinct semanticTypeCategoryMap sty from projects a, ProjectJpa_semanticTypeCategoryMap b where a.id = b.ProjectJpa_id and semanticTypeCategoryMap_KEY = 'chemical' and a.terminology = :terminology); -- Rick update 3/2/2017 (select distinct semanticTypeCategoryMap_KEY sty from projects a, ProjectJpa_semanticTypeCategoryMap b where a.id = b.ProjectJpa_id and semanticTypeCategoryMap = 'chem' and a.terminology = :terminology)
Code Block SELECT DISTINCT c.id conceptId FROM concepts c, concepts_semantic_type_components cs, semantic_type_components s, terminologies t WHERE c.terminology = 'CBO' AND c.terminology = t.terminology AND c.version = t.version AND t.current = TRUE AND c.id = cs.concepts_id AND cs.semanticTypes_id = s.id AND s.semanticType IN ((SELECT DISTINCT semanticTypeCategoryMap_KEY sty FROM projects a, ProjectJpa_semanticTypeCategoryMap b WHERE a.id = b.ProjectJpa_id AND semanticTypeCategoryMap = 'chem' AND a.terminology = :terminology))
go_chem: Current version GO concepts with CHEM STYs
Code Block SELECT DISTINCT c.id conceptId FROM concepts c, concepts_semantic_type_components cs, semantic_type_components s, terminologies t WHERE c.terminology = 'GO' AND c.terminology = t.terminology AND c.version = t.version AND t.current = TRUE AND c.id = cs.concepts_id AND cs.semanticTypes_id = s.id AND s.semanticType IN ((SELECT DISTINCT semanticTypeCategoryMap_KEY sty FROM projects a, ProjectJpa_semanticTypeCategoryMap b WHERE a.id = b.ProjectJpa_id AND semanticTypeCategoryMap = 'chem' AND ca.publishableterminology = TRUE:terminology))
mdr_chem: Current version MDR concepts with CHEM STYs
Code Block SELECT DISTINCT c.id conceptId FROM AND c.workflowStatus IN ('READY_FOR_PUBLICATION' , 'PUBLISHED') concepts c, concepts_semantic_type_components cs, AND NOT c.id IN (SELECT semantic_type_components s, terminologies t WHERE c.idterminology = 'MDR' FROM AND c.terminology = t.terminology conceptsAND c,.version = t.version AND concepts_semantic_type_components cs,t.current = TRUE AND c.id = semantic_type_components scs.concepts_id AND WHERE cs.semanticTypes_id = s.id AND cs.terminologysemanticType = :terminology IN ((SELECT DISTINCT semanticTypeCategoryMap_KEY sty AND c.id = cs.concepts_id FROM AND cs.semanticTypes_id = s.idprojects a, ProjectJpa_semanticTypeCategoryMap b AND s.publishable = TRUE)
cbo_chem: Current version CBO concepts with CHEM STYs
go_chem: Current version GO concepts with CHEM STYsCode Block -- to find chemical semantic types (select distinct semanticTypeCategoryMap sty from projects a, ProjectJpa_semanticTypeCategoryMap b where WHERE a.id = b.ProjectJpa_id and semanticTypeCategoryMap_KEY = 'chemical' and a.terminology = :terminology); -- Rick update 3/2/2017 (select distinctAND semanticTypeCategoryMap_KEY sty= from'chem' projects a, ProjectJpa_semanticTypeCategoryMap b where a.id = b.ProjectJpa_id and semanticTypeCategoryMap = 'chem' andAND a.terminology = :terminology)
true_orphan: Concepts with no releasable relationships to any other concept
Uses the "deep relationships" query; only needs to search FROM role since rels are bidirectionalCode Block SELECT DISTINCT c.id conceptId FROM concepts c WHERE concepts c, concepts_semantic_type_components cs, semantic_type_components s,c.terminology = :terminolgy AND c.publishable=TRUE AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM deep_concept_relationships dcr terminologies t WHERE c.terminology = 'GO role='FROM' AND AND c.terminologyid = t.terminology dcr.concepts_id)
deleted_cui_split: Complex split/merge case CUIs that are going away - will need bequeathal
split_demotions: Demotions overlapping with a bad merge that was split
Drop. No longer useful.nci_pt_mrg: Merged current version NCI/PT atoms
Code Block SELECT DISTINCT AND c.versionid conceptId FROM = t.version concepts c, AND t.current = TRUEatoms a, concepts_atoms ca WHERE AND c.idterminology = cs.concepts_id:terminology AND csc.semanticTypes_id = sca.concepts_id AND s.semanticType IN ((SELECT DISTINCT semanticTypeCategoryMap_KEY sty FROM ca.atoms_id = a.id AND a.terminology projects a,in ('NCI') AND a.termType = ProjectJpa_semanticTypeCategoryMap b WHERE 'PT' GROUP BY c.id HAVING COUNT(c.id) > 1
mxsuppr: Concepts with identical LUI atoms that have mixed suppressibility
Code Block SELECT DISTINCT c.id conceptId FROM concepts c, a.id = b.ProjectJpa_idconcepts_atoms ca1, concepts_atoms ca2, (SELECT AND semanticTypeCategoryMap = 'chem' a1.id atomId1, a2.id atomId2 FROM AND a.terminology = :terminology))
mdr_chem: Current version MDR concepts with CHEM STYs
See abovetrue_orphan: Concepts with no releaseable relationships to any other concept
Code Block SELECT atoms a1, atoms a2 c.idWHERE conceptId FROM concepts c WHEREa1.lexicalClassId = a2.lexicalClassId c.terminology = :terminology AND NOT ca1.id IN (SELECT!= a2.id AND ca1.idpublishable = TRUE FROM AND a2.publishable = TRUE concepts c, AND a1.suppressible != a2.suppressible) mixedSuppresLuiAtoms concept_relationshipsWHERE cr c.terminology = :terminology WHERE AND c.id = ca1.concepts_id cr.from AND ca1.atoms_id = c.id mixedSuppresLuiAtoms.atomId1 AND ca2.atoms_id = mixedSuppresLuiAtoms.atomId2 AND crca1.publishableconcepts_id = TRUE)
deleted_cui_split: Complex split/merge case CUIs that are going away - will need bequeathal
- split_demotions: Demotions overlapping with a bad merge that was split
- nci_pt_mrg: Merged current version NCI/PT atoms
- mxsuppr: Concepts with identical LUI atoms that have mixed suppressibility
~ Mixed status concepts 196 Sat Jan 7 09:19:47 2017
~ Suppressible preferred name (level 0,9) 0 Sat Jan 7 09:19:58 2017