nci_merge: Merged SCUI current version NCI atoms
Code Block select distinct c.id conceptId from concepts c, concepts_atoms ca, atoms a where c.terminology = :terminology and c.id = ca.concepts_id and ca.atoms_id = a.id and a.publishable = true and a.terminology='NCI' group by c.id having count(distinct a.conceptId)>1
nci_sub_split: Split SCUI current version NCI (or sub-source) atoms
Code Block --Identify Sub-source atoms that aren't in the same concept as the NCI atom with the same conceptId SELECT DISTINCT c.id conceptId1, c1.id conceptId2 FROM concepts c, concepts_atoms ca, atoms a, concepts c1, concepts_atoms ca1, atoms a1 WHERE c.terminology = :terminology AND c1.terminology = :terminology AND c.id = ca.concepts_id AND ca.atoms_id = a.id AND c1.id = ca1.concepts_id AND ca1.atoms_id = a1.id AND a.terminology = 'NCI' AND a1.terminology IN (SELECT terminology FROM root_terminologies WHERE family = 'NCI' AND terminology != 'NCI') AND a.conceptId = a1.conceptId AND c.id != c1.id
sct_sepfnpt: SNOMED concept clusters where the FN and PT terms are separated
Code Block SELECT DISTINCT c.id conceptId1, c1.id conceptId2 FROM concepts c, concepts_atoms ca, atoms a, concepts c1, concepts_atoms ca1, atoms a1 WHERE c.terminology = :terminology AND c1.terminology = :terminology AND a.terminology = 'SNOMEDCT_US' AND a1.terminology = 'SNOMEDCT_US' AND c.id = ca.concepts_id AND ca.atoms_id = a.id AND c1.id = ca1.concepts_id AND ca1.atoms_id = a1.id AND a.termType = 'FN' AND a1.termType = 'PT' AND a.conceptId = a1.conceptId AND c.id != c1.id
cdsty_coc: Find concepts with Clinical Drug STY and any other STY
Code Block SELECT DISTINCT c.id conceptId FROM concepts c, concepts_semantic_type_components cs WHERE c.terminology = :terminology AND c.id = cs.concepts_id AND cs.concepts_id IN (SELECT cs.concepts_id FROM concepts c, concepts_semantic_type_components cs, semantic_type_components s WHERE c.terminology = :terminology AND c.id = cs.concepts_id AND cs.semanticTypes_id = s.id AND s.semanticType = 'Clinical Drug') GROUP BY cs.concepts_id HAVING COUNT(cs.concepts_id) > 1
multsty:concepts with more than 3 STYs|
Code Block SELECT DISTINCT cs.concepts_id conceptId FROM concepts c, concepts_semantic_type_components cs, semantic_type_components s WHERE c.terminology = :terminology AND c.id = cs.concepts_id AND cs.semanticTypes_id = s.id GROUP BY c.id HAVING COUNT(c.id) > 3
styisa:One STY is an ancestor of another in the STY isa hierarchy
Code Block select t1.conceptId from (select c.id conceptId, st.id styId, st.treeNumber from concepts c, concepts_semantic_type_components cstc, (select stc.id, st.treeNumber from semantic_type_components stc join semantic_types st on (stc.semanticType = st.expandedForm)) st WHERE c.terminology = :terminology AND c.id = cstc.concepts_id AND cstc.semanticTypes_id = st.id) t1 JOIN (select c.id conceptId, st.id styId, st.treeNumber from concepts c, concepts_semantic_type_components cstc, (select stc.id, st.treeNumber from semantic_type_components stc join semantic_types st on (stc.semanticType = st.expandedForm)) st WHERE c.terminology = :terminology AND c.id = cstc.concepts_id AND cstc.semanticTypes_id = st.id) t2 on (t1.conceptId = t2.conceptId and t1.styId != t2.styId and t1.treeNumber != t2.treeNumber) WHERE t2.treeNumber like concat(t1.treeNumber, '.%')
sfo_lfo: Short form in one concept, long form in another
Code Block --ShortForm/LongForm are related atoms -- These live in the DB as "SY" atom relationships with RELA value either equal to "expanded_form_of" or starting with "mth_" and ending with "_form_of" SELECT c1.id conceptId1, c2.id conceptId2 FROM concepts c1, concepts_atoms ca1, atoms a1, concepts c2, concepts_atoms ca2, atoms a2, (SELECT ar.from_id, ar.to_id FROM atom_relationships ar WHERE publishable = TRUE AND relationshipType = 'SY' AND (additionalRelationshipType = 'expanded_form_of' OR additionalRelationshipType LIKE 'mth_%_form_of')) sfoLfoRels WHERE c1.terminology = 'NCIMTH' AND c2.terminology = 'NCIMTH' AND c1.id = ca1.concepts_id AND ca1.atoms_id = a1.id AND c2.id = ca2.concepts_id AND ca2.atoms_id = a2.id AND a1.id = sfoLfoRels.from_id AND a2.id = sfoLfoRels.to_id AND c1.id != c2.id
deleted_cui: CUIs that are going away - will need bequeathal rel
Code Block SELECT DISTINCT c.id conceptId FROM concepts c, concepts_atoms ca, atoms a WHERE c.terminology = :terminology AND c.id = ca.concepts_id AND ca.atoms_id = a.id AND a.suppressiblepublishable = TRUE AND NOT c.id IN (SELECT DISTINCT c.id conceptId FROM concepts c, concepts_atoms ca, atoms a WHERE c.terminology = :terminology AND c.id = ca.concepts_id AND ca.atoms_id = a.id AND a.suppressiblepublishable = FALSE)
deleted_cui_nomth - requested by Lori, not tested yet
Code Block SELECT DISTINCT c.id conceptId FROM concepts c, concepts_atoms ca, atoms a WHERE c.terminology = :terminology AND c.id = ca.concepts_id AND ca.atoms_id = a.id AND a.suppressible = TRUE AND NOT c.id IN (SELECT DISTINCT c.id conceptId FROM concepts c, concepts_atoms ca, atoms a WHERE c.terminology = :terminology AND c.id = ca.concepts_id AND ca.atoms_id = a.id AND a.suppressible = FALSE) AND NOT c.id IN ( SELECT c.id conceptId FROM concepts c, concepts_atoms ca, atoms a WHERE c.terminology=:terminology AND a.terminology='MTH' AND c.id = ca.concepts_id AND ca.atoms_id = a.id AND a.publishable = TRUE MINUS SELECT c.id conceptId FROM concepts c, concepts_atoms ca, atoms a WHERE c.terminology=:terminology AND a.terminology!='MTH' AND c.id = ca.concepts_id AND ca.atoms_id = a.id AND a.publishable = TRUE )