- rxnorm_merge: RXCUI Merges
Same as nci_merge but with RXNORM
Code Block select a.id clusterId, a.id conceptId from concepts a, concepts_atoms b, atoms c where a.terminology = :terminology and a.id = b.concepts_id and b.atoms_id = c.id and c.terminology='RXNORM' group by a.id having count(distinct c.conceptId)>1
- cbo_merge: Merged SCUI current version CBO atoms
Same as nci_merge but with CBO
Code Block select a.id clusterId, a.id conceptId from concepts a, concepts_atoms b, atoms c where a.terminology = :terminology and a.id = b.concepts_id and b.atoms_id = c.id and c.terminology='CBO' group by a.id having count(distinct c.conceptId)>1
mdr_merge: Merged SDUI current version MDR atoms
Code Block If SDUI, return descriptor ID instead of conceptId?
- pdq_merge: Merged SDUI current version PDQ atoms
- sct_sepfnpt: SNOMED concept clusters where the FN and PT terms are separated
- DUPLICATE of above
rxnorm_split: RXCUI splits
Code Block see split query above
nci_pdq_merge: Concepts containing current version NCI and current version PDQ atoms
Code Block SELECT DISTINCT ca.concepts_id conceptId FROMSELECT c.id clusterId, c.id conceptId FROM concepts c, concepts_atoms ca, atoms a WHERE c.terminology = :terminology atoms a,AND c.id atoms a1, concepts_atoms ca, concepts_atoms ca1,= ca.concepts_id terminologies t, terminologies t1 WHERE AND ca.atoms_id = a.id AND ca1.atoms_id = a1a.terminology = 'MDR' GROUP BY c.id HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT a.descriptorId) > 1
pdq_merge: Merged SDUI current version PDQ atoms
nci_sctCode Block SELECT AND a.terminology = 'NCI' c.id clusterId, c.id conceptId FROM concepts c, AND a.terminology = t.terminology concepts_atoms ca, atoms a WHERE AND ac.versionterminology = t.version:terminology AND tc.currentid = trueca.concepts_id AND a1ca.terminologyatoms_id = 'PDQ'a.id AND a1a.terminology = t1.terminology AND a1.version = t1.version AND t1.current = true AND ca.concepts_id = ca1.concepts_id
'PDQ' GROUP BY c.id HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT a.descriptorId) > 1
- sct_sepfnpt: SNOMED concept clusters where the FN and PT terms are separated
- DUPLICATE of above
rxnorm_split: RXCUI splits
nci_pdq_merge: Concepts containing current version NCI and current version SNOMEDCT PDQ atoms
Code Block SELECT DISTINCT cac.concepts_id conceptId FROM atoms a, atoms a1, concepts_atoms cac, concepts_atoms ca1c1, terminologiesconcepts_atoms tca, terminologies t1 WHEREconcepts_atoms ca1, ca.atoms_id = a.idterminologies t, terminologies t1 WHERE AND ca1c.atoms_idterminology = a1.id:terminology AND ac1.terminology = 'NCI':terminology AND ac.terminologyid = tca.terminologyconcepts_id AND aca.versionatoms_id = ta.versionid AND tc1.currentid = trueca1.concepts_id AND ca1.atoms_id = a1.id AND a.terminology = 'SNOMEDCT_USNCI' AND a1a.terminology = t1t.terminology AND a1a.version = t1t.version AND t1t.current = TRUE true AND a1.terminology = 'PDQ' AND ca.concepts_id = ca1.concepts_id
ambig_no_ncimth_pn: Ambiguous concepts where at least one has no PN (sepstring)
Code Block Ambiguous?
ambig_no_mth_pn: Ambiguous concepts where at least one has no PN (sepstring)multiple_pn: Concepts with multiple MTH/PN atoms
Code Block SELECT DISTINCT ca.concepts_id conceptId FROM atoms a, concepts_atoms ca WHERE ca.atoms_id = a.id AND a.terminology = 'MTH' AND a.termType = 'PN' GROUP BY ca.concepts_id HAVING COUNT(ca.concepts_id) > 1
pn_no_ambig: Concept has MTH/PN atom but no ambiguous stringnosty: No STY
Code Block SELECT DISTINCT c.id conceptId FROM concepts c LEFT JOIN concepts_semantic_type_components cs ON (c.id = cs.concepts_id) WHERE cs.semanticTypes_id IS NULL
missing_sty: Reviewed concepts without releasable Semantic Types
Code Block -- Is 'Reviewed' = workflowStatus.READY_FOR_PUBLICATION? How about PUBLISHED? SELECT DISTINCT c.id conceptId FROM concepts c WHERE c.workflowStatus = 'READY_FOR_PUBLICATION' AND NOT c.id IN (SELECT c.id FROM a1.terminology = t1.terminology AND a1.version = t1.version AND t1.current = TRUE AND c.id = c1.id
nci_sct_merge: Concepts containing current version NCI and current version SNOMEDCT atoms
Code Block SELECT DISTINCT c.id conceptId FROM atoms a, atoms a1, concepts c, concepts c1, concepts_atoms ca, concepts_atoms ca1, terminologies t, terminologies t1 WHERE c.terminology = :terminology AND c1.terminology = :terminology AND c.id = ca.concepts_id AND ca.atoms_id = a.id AND c1.id = ca1.concepts_id AND ca1.atoms_id = a1.id AND a.terminology = 'NCI' AND a.terminology = t.terminology AND a.version = t.version AND t.current = TRUE AND a1.terminology = 'SNOMEDCT_US' AND a1.terminology = t1.terminology AND a1.version = t1.version AND t1.current = TRUE AND c.id = c1.id
ambig_no_ncimth_pn: Ambiguous concepts where at least one has no PN (sepstring)
Code Block Ambiguous?
ambig_no_mth_pn: Ambiguous concepts where at least one has no PN (sepstring)
ambig_no_rel: Ambiguous concepts where at least one pair lacks an approved REL
pn_pn_ambig: Identical (same SUI) PN's in multiple concepts
multiple_pn: Concepts with multiple MTH/PN atoms
Code Block SELECT DISTINCT c.id conceptId FROM concepts c, atoms a, concepts_atoms ca WHERE c.terminology = :terminology AND c.id = ca.concepts_id AND ca.atoms_id = a.id AND a.terminology = 'MTH' AND a.termType = 'PN' GROUP BY c.id HAVING COUNT(c.id) > 1
pn_no_ambig: Concept has MTH/PN atom but no ambiguous string
ambig_pn: MTH/PN atom is ambiguous but has no matching ambiguous string
pn_orphan: MTH/PNs on their own
nosty: No STY
Code Block SELECT DISTINCT c.id conceptId FROM concepts c LEFT JOIN concepts_semantic_type_components cs ON (c.id = cs.concepts_id) WHERE c.terminology= :terminology AND cs.semanticTypes_id IS NULL
missing_sty: Reviewed concepts without releasable Semantic Types
Code Block -- Is 'Reviewed' = workflowStatus.READY_FOR_PUBLICATION? How about PUBLISHED? SELECT DISTINCT c.id conceptId FROM concepts c WHERE c.terminology= :terminology AND c.workflowStatus = 'READY_FOR_PUBLICATION' AND NOT c.id IN (SELECT c.id FROM concepts c, concepts_semantic_type_components cs, semantic_type_components s WHERE c.terminology = :terminology AND c.id = cs.concepts_id AND cs.semanticTypes_id = s.id AND s.publishable = TRUE)
cbo_chem: Current version CBO concepts with CHEM STYs
Code Block -- to find chemical semantic types (select distinct semanticTypeCategoryMap sty from projects a, ProjectJpa_semanticTypeCategoryMap b where a.id = b.ProjectJpa_id and semanticTypeCategoryMap_KEY = 'chemical' and a.terminology = :terminology); -- Rick update 3/2/2017 (select distinct semanticTypeCategoryMap_KEY sty from projects a, ProjectJpa_semanticTypeCategoryMap b where a.id = b.ProjectJpa_id and semanticTypeCategoryMap = 'chem' and a.terminology = :terminology)
go_chem: Current version GO concepts with CHEM STYs
Code Block SELECT DISTINCT c.id conceptId FROM concepts c, concepts_semantic_type_components cs, semantic_type_components s WHERE components s, terminologies t WHERE c.idterminology = cs.concepts_id 'GO' AND csc.semanticTypes_idterminology = s.id t.terminology AND sc.publishableversion = TRUE)
cbo_chem: Current version CBO concepts with CHEM STYs
Code Block -- to find chemical semantic types (select distinct semanticTypeCategoryMap sty from projects a, ProjectJpa_semanticTypeCategoryMap b where at.version AND t.current = TRUE AND c.id = bcs.ProjectJpaconcepts_id and semanticTypeCategoryMap_KEY = 'chemical' and a.terminology = :terminology);
go_chem: Current version GO concepts with CHEM STYs
Code Block --Not sure about final line. AND cs.semanticTypes_id = s.id AND s.semanticType IN ((SELECT DISTINCT c.id conceptId FROM concepts c,semanticTypeCategoryMap_KEY sty concepts_semantic_type_components cs, FROM semantic_type_components s, terminologies t WHERE projects a, c.terminology = 'GO' AND c.terminology = t.terminologyProjectJpa_semanticTypeCategoryMap b WHERE AND c.version = t.version a.id AND= t.current = trueb.ProjectJpa_id AND c.id = cs.concepts_id AND semanticTypeCategoryMap = 'chem' AND cs.semanticTypes_id = s.id AND sa.semanticTypeterminology LIKE 'Chem%'= :terminology))
mdr_chem: Current version MDR concepts with CHEM STYs
See above
true_orphan: Concepts with no releaseable relationships to any other concept
Code Block SELECT c.id conceptId FROM concepts c WHERE c.terminology = :terminology AND NOT c.id IN (SELECT c.id FROM concepts c, concept_relationships cr WHERE cr.from_id = c.id AND cr.publishable = TRUE)
deleted_cui_split: Complex split/merge case CUIs that are going away - will need bequeathal
- split_demotions: Demotions overlapping with a bad merge that was split
- nci_pt_mrg: Merged current version NCI/PT atoms
- mxsuppr: Concepts with identical LUI atoms that have mixed suppressibility
ambig_no_rel: Ambiguous concepts where at least one pair lacks an approved REL
pn_pn_ambig: Identical (same SUI) PN's in multiple concepts
ambig_pn: MTH/PN atom is ambiguous but has no matching ambiguous string
pn_orphan: MTH/PNs on their own