Full data for insertions can be downloaded from S3
- Download the "full" SRC testing data - https://wci1.s3.amazonaws.com/NCI/NCI-srcDataDir-full.zip
- Unzip this into c:/umlsserver/data
- This process will use the contents of the "inv" directory
- Edit config-full.properties so that source.data.dir points to c:/umlsserver/data
- Run a server, and perform NCI, SNOMEDCT_US, or MTH insertion.
Scale Testing Release
- Download the "mrfull" package testing data - https://wci1.s3.amazonaws.com/NCI/NCI-srcDataDir-full.zip
- Unzip this into c:/umlsserver/data
- This process will use the contents of the "mr" directory
- Edit config-full.properties so that source.data.dir points to c:/umlsserver/data
- Run a server, and perform NCI, SNOMEDCT_US, or MTH insertion.