- Download UMLS and unpack into a local directory.
- Run MetamorphoSys and install the Level 0+SNOMED configuration but make sure to exclude NCBI as well (it is very large).
- Note the "META" directory of the output.
- Alter the MRHIER.RRF to keep only rows for SAB=MSH or SAB=USPMG or SAB=PNDS, all other hierarchies will be computed.
- Configure a c:/umlsserver/config/config-rrf.properties file based on the config.properties from the prod config project.
- Make sure database info and paths are configured properly for your environment (so as to not overwrite data from other builds).
- See this sample
- Run an eclipse process to load the entire UMLS RRF
- Run the server in dev mode through eclipse to test,
- Export the mysql database → snomedct.sql, then zip it as snomedct-sql.zip and put into S3
- Log into a.terminology.tools and become the ec2-tomcat user (need sudo priveleges for "sudo -u ec2-tomcat -i")
- Update the landing page (e.g. "UMLS-Terminology-Server\config\prod\src\main\resources\app\page\general\landingContent.html") to update the references to the latest version, e.g. 2016AA → 2017AA
- Repeat for the "loginContent.html" page too.
- Repeat for the "loginContent.html" page too.
Update and rebuild the code (master branch) - **Note: this may require merging from "develop"
Code Block cd ~/umls/code git pull mvn -Dconfig.artifactId=term-server-config-prod clean install
Go to ~/snomed and look at README.txt. See the "RELOADING DATA" section, e.g.
Code Block RELOADING DATA # Undeploy and start maintenance page /bin/rm -rf /var/lib/tomcat8/work/Catalina/localhost/umls-server-rest /bin/rm -rf /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/umls-server-rest /bin/rm -rf /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/umls-server-rest.war /opt/maint/getMaintHtml.sh start umls # deploy data - ~30 min cd ~/umls/data wget https://wci1.s3.amazonaws.com/TermServer/umls.sql.gz ### NOTE: if this step gets stuck (should take < 1 min) it means tomcat session has "Locked" the DB ### you're best bet is to log in as root and bounce tomcat with "service tomcat8 restart" mysqlu < ~/umls/code/admin/mojo/src/main/resources/truncate_all.sql gunzip -c umls.sql.gz | mysqlu & wait mysqlu < ~/fixWindowsExportData.sql /bin/rm ~/umls/data/umls.sql.gz # recompute indexes (make sure latest code is built) ### SPECIAL NOTE: this requires 6G memory, the server must be taken down to run this step setenv MAVEN_OPTS "-Xmx6G -Drun.config.test=/home/ec2-tomcat/config/config.properties.test" /bin/rm -rf /var/lib/tomcat8/indexes/umls/* cd ~/umls/code/admin/lucene mvn install -PReindex -Drun.config.umls=/home/ec2-tomcat/umls/config/config-load.properties >&! mvn.log & wait # Deploy and remove maintenance page /bin/cp -f ~/umls/code/rest/target/umls-server-rest*war /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/umls-server-rest.war /opt/maint/getMaintHtml.sh stop umls # Remember to remove umls.sql.gz when finished (it takes a lot of space)
Laucnch https://umls.terminology.tools/ and verify that it's up and running and loaded with data you expect (E.g. search for a UMLS concept new in the latest version)
- Consider announcements new version
- UMLS Users List Template
- Twitter Template
- LinkedIn (see past post - may be a reply to a message on the SNOMED group)
- Update WCI resources.html - http://westcoastinformatics.com/resources.html