- rxnorm_merge: RXCUI Merges
- Same as nci_merge but with RXNORM
- Same as nci_merge but with RXNORM
- cbo_merge: Merged SCUI current version CBO atoms
- Same as nci_merge but with CBO
- sct_sepfnpt: SNOMED concept clusters where the FN and PT terms are separated
rxnorm_split: RXCUI splits
Code Block see split query above
nci_pdq_merge: Concepts containing current version NCI and current version PDQ atoms
nci_sct_merge: Concepts containing current version NCI and current version SNOMEDCT atoms
ambig_no_ncimth_pn: Ambiguous concepts where at least one has no PN (sepstring)
ambig_no_mth_pn: Ambiguous concepts where at least one has no PN (sepstring)
ambig_no_rel: Ambiguous concepts where at least one pair lacks an approved REL
pn_pn_ambig: Identical (same SUI) PN's in multiple concepts
multiple_pn: Concepts with multiple MTH/PN atoms
pn_no_ambig: Concept has MTH/PN atom but no ambiguous string
ambig_pn: MTH/PN atom is ambiguous but has no matching ambiguous string
pn_orphan: MTH/PNs on their own
nosty: No STY
cbo_chem: Current version CBO concepts with CHEM STYs
go_chem: Current version GO concepts with CHEM STYs
mdr_chem: Current version MDR concepts with CHEM STYs
# Source merge rules
Merged SCUI current version NCI atoms
Merged SDUI current version MDR atoms
Merged SDUI current version PDQ atoms
Merged SCUI current version CBO atoms
RXCUI Merges
# Source split rules
Split SCUI current version NCI (or sub-source) atoms
SNOMED concept clusters where the FN and PT terms are separated
RXCUI Splits
# Cross source merge rules
Concepts containing current version NCI and current version PDQ atoms
Concepts containing current version NCI and current version SNOMEDCT atoms
# NCIMTH/PN rules
Ambiguous concepts where at least one has no PN (sepstring)
Ambiguous concepts where at least one has no PN (sepstring)
Ambiguous concepts where at least one pair lacks an approved REL
Identical (same SUI) PN's in multiple concepts
Concepts with multiple MTH/PN atoms
Concept has MTH/PN atom but no ambiguous string
MTH/PN atom is ambiguous but has no matching ambiguous string
# General PN rules
MTH/PNs on their own
# STY rules
Find concepts with Clinical Drug STY and any other STY
concepts with more than 3 STYs
Reviewed concepts without releasable Semantic Types
One STY is an ancestor of another in the STY isa hierarchy
Current version CBO concepts with CHEM STYs
Current version GO concepts with CHEM STYs
Current version MDR concepts with CHEM STYs
# Relationship rules
: Concepts with no releaseable relationships to any other concept
Short form in one concept, long form in another
# CUI rules
Potential missed synonmym between CL* and CO*
CUIs that are going away - will need bequeathal rel
deleted_cui_split: Complex split/merge case CUIs that are going away - will need bequeathal
CUIS that are going away (without MTH-only) - will need bequeathal rel
# Other rules
Concepts with identical LUI atoms that have mixed suppressibility
# Awaiting Questions
Merged current version NCI/PT atoms