- Small Changes/Fixes
DONE Attribute abbr tooltips not working for MSH but working for SNOMEDCT, see D006321 for example
DONE Relationship tooltips not working for MSH, but working for SNOMEDCT, see D006321 for example
Apparently no problem, probably a caching issue
DONE View All History button nonfunctional (navigation forward/back works, but no list)
DONE Show a suppressible indicator (an obsolete indicator is showing, but not a surppessible one)
suppressibleLabel and suppressibleIndicator not set in webapp metadata
- DONE Combine "suppressible" and "obsolete" buttons into one -> e.g. the either both flags are on, or both flags are off.
- Merged into showSOElements, with function toggleShowSOElements
- DONE BUT TEST If "Atoms (0)", and "show suppressible/obsolete" is OFF, then show a message to click the "show" button to see the obsolete content.
- Only shown if atoms.length > 0 (i.e. suppressible/obsolete content actually present)
- Application should scroll to top on click of concept links
- NEEDS TESTING Load association reference data as relationships (mark them as suppressible?)
- INFO id effectiveTime active moduleId refsetId referencedComponentId targetComponentId
- DONE Fail if the referencedComponentId is not a concept terminology id.
- DONE Make a ConceptRelationshipJpa
- id = terminologyId
- timestamp/lastModified = effectiveTime
- !active = obsolete
- published = true, publishable = true, ...
- moduleId = becomes an attribute, see how it works in loadRelationships
- referencedComponentId, look up the concept -> setFrom
- targetComponentId, look up the concept -> setTo
- relationshipType = "RO"
- additionalRelationshipType = refsetId
- Need to make sure a metadata additionalRelationshipType gets added
- abbreviation = refsetId, expandedForm = name of that concept (e.g. the part in capitals at the beginning, "POSSIBLY EQUIVALENT TO")
- make sure to not add it more than once.
- Need to make sure a metadata additionalRelationshipType gets added
- Outstanding Questions
- CONFIRMED NO NEED Need to preserve default of AtomSubsetMember or AtomRelationshipMember?
- No unexpected consequences for SNOMEDCT display/processing of:
- No group
- Not stated, not inferred
- Possible case of Suppressible meaning something different than Obsolete?
- Worth doublechecking existence of refset id for additional relationship types in loadAssociationReference, or just let exception thrown if refset id is not a concept?
- INFO id effectiveTime active moduleId refsetId referencedComponentId targetComponentId
- NEEDS TESTING Delta loader for association reference data
- see loadRelationships for how to compute diffs with a relationships
- Other small fixes - found by PG.
- test...
- update copyright to 2016
- "Release"
- Prep website for google adwords
- DONE Intro page that doesn't have as login
- DONE Initial page now routes to "landing" view, with landing.html. Initial version includes only placeholder text and link to #/login
- Note: May want to introduce route bypass if user hits login page while logged in (i.e. content -> landing or landing -> content). Or may not.
- Discussion
- Screenshots
- Video tutorial - 5 min walk through (e.g. "vet" - one for each - make a consistent script - put all on youtube and link back)
- Link to login page
- DONE Intro page that doesn't have as login
- Enhancements to RRF preferred name computer
- support multiple UMLS's - e.g. have a high-level terminology/version
- reuse the same default precedence list..
- PG: Directives for reports
- PG: Test app with latest changes
- PG: integration tests (get them working)
- PG: route params
- PG: create initial framework for JS unit testing
- Verify that ClaML loader makes asterisk/dagger attributes for modifier concepts - e.g. M01.4 and M01.41
- Integration tests for static code analysis (e.g. *.code.XXTest.java)
- REST Service
- opened sessions are closed in finally blocks.
- REST Service
- Support multiple RRF loads (presumably with different sources, but maybe overlapping RSABs)
- maybe reconsider how "precedence list" works.
- Revamp site for google adwords
- Intro app with screenshots and info about how it works
- link to site where you actually log in.
- Upgrade error handling and user management
- expand to use refset dailog directives for "errors" and warnings -requires a container
- User Preferences - borrow from refset - don't need anything specific yet, just infrastructure.
- Move "authorize" methods over from refset
- For "semantic type" mechanism - if there are tree numbers, order by that and indent"
- BAC: remove "void addXXX" and "void removeXXX" methods from model objects. Use getObjects().add/remove(...) only
- Model
- Remove the "name" attributes on @XmlElement annotations and fix the javascript to properly handle the return values of services. TEST
- Mapping, MapRecord, MapEntry (each with attributes) - similar to Subset, SubsetMember except with one more layer.
- Then implement this for RRF loader
- Then implement this for RF2 loader (snapshot)
- Then implement this for RF2 loader (delta)
- User Interface
- Enable glass pane while switching tabs - need to say increment in tab controller and decrement at the end of the controller.
- Integration Tests - Jpa/REST - get them tested again
- For @IndexedEmbedded, make sure to use targetElement, also make sure that addXXX and setYYY are called ,and the service.addXXX and service.updateYYY calls are always made. Important for indexing to work properly.