- DONE Intro page that doesn't have as login
- DONE Initial page now routes to "landing" view, with landing.html. Initial version includes only placeholder text and link to #/login
- Note: May want to introduce route bypass if user hits login page while logged in (i.e. content -> landing or landing -> content). Or may not.
- New front-page website with description, screenshots, video
- "Login" link (with logout link on header)
- Have the "upload" and "source" tabs from transformer here
- "Snomed starter kit"
- Create a video demo of the site (camtasia) and post as a link on the header (video glyphicon if there is one)
- also screenshots that are clickable, etc.
- Verify all entry pages for applications are officially mobile friendly
- Update campaigns for SNOMED/UMLS/ICD browsers on google adwords.
- Training Video for UMLS browser (need 10 min)
- Training Video for SNOMED browser (simple 5 min)
- Find the SNOMED video that Anil sent, redo with RF2 - same content!
- Other notes (from email)
- Google adwords campaign
- “free icd-10” browser, “free SNOMED CT US Extension browser”, “free UMLS browser
- Get webmaster setup for the icd/umls/snomed pages
- Use config setup for that
- Find east bay healthcare startups
- Pursue like job search (to know they’re hiring, etc)
- Tech
- Device
- Information/informatics
- Meetups
- Google adwords campaign
Starter Kit
- ConfigureRestServiceImpl (doesn't need an interface and a client) - put this in TermServer project, and TerminologyServerApplication
- isConfigured() - /configured
- checks whether WEB-INF/classes/config.properties exists
- configure(HashMap<String,String> setup)
- Starts with config.properties.start and overwrites settings for
- writes config.properties
- ConfigUtiltiy.getConfigProperties().setProperty("hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto", "create");
- new MetadataServiceJpa
- ConfigUtiltiy.getConfigProperties().setProperty("hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto", "none")
- clearConfiguration()
- removes config.properties file (assumes it is in WEB-INF/classes)
- configure(String db, String username, String password, String applicationDir);
- call other configure method
- isConfigured() - /configured
- configureService.js
- isConfigured
- configure(String username, String password, String applicationDir)
- put config file in starter-kit-rest/src/main/resources/config.properties.start
- app.js
- check isConfigured, if false, location.path("/configure"), sets a flag
- routes.js
- use functions, check configuration flag, etc..
- /configure -> ConfigureCtrl
- configure.html, ConfigureCtrl
- ,,,, need to configure ...
- db:
- user:
- pwd:
- app Dir: (file upload? ... browse button)
- [ configure ] button -> calls configureService.configure with glass pane.
- upon return, redirects page to "/"
Core Application Enhancement - P1