- ConfigureRestServiceImpl (doesn't need an interface and a client) - put this in TermServer project, and TerminologyServerApplication
- isConfigured() - /configured
- checks whether WEB-INF/classes/config.properties exists
- configure(HashMap<String,String> setup)
- Starts with config.properties.start and overwrites settings for
- writes config.properties
- ConfigUtiltiy.getConfigProperties().setProperty("hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto", "create");
- new MetadataServiceJpa
- ConfigUtiltiy.getConfigProperties().setProperty("hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto", "none")
- clearConfiguration()
- removes config.properties file (assumes it is in WEB-INF/classes)
- configure(String db, String username, String password, String applicationDir);
- call other configure method
- isConfigured() - /configured
- configureService.js
- isConfigured
- configure(String username, String password, String applicationDir)
- put config file in starter-kit-rest/src/main/resources/config.properties.start
- app.js
- check isConfigured, if false, location.path("/configure"), sets a flag
- routes.js
- use functions, check configuration flag, etc..
- /configure -> ConfigureCtrl
- configure.html, ConfigureCtrl
- ,,,, need to configure ...
- db:
- user:
- pwd:
- app Dir: (file upload? ... browse button)
- [ configure ] button -> calls configureService.configure with glass pane.
- upon return, redirects page to "/"
- Validate integration tests again!
Core Application Enhancement - P1
Core Application Enhancement - P2
- Review all the static config info from the config file
- determine which have a single option and which have multiple options
- determine which can have a single implementation or need to be copied (e.g. search handler)
- determine how API calls (at JPA) layer work, and how they work at REST layer - make the same.
- etc
- Refactor loader mojos and service calls to all work the same way and use source data loader.
- Refactor Content Service (Rest)
- Separate out concept functions so that they can be deployed without CODE and DUI services
- Release criteria integration tests
- Verify no *java classes have System.out.println
- Verify no *java classes have TODO
- ...
- PG: Support RF2 "atom association refset members" as atom relationships.
- * REMAINING: Need to decide how to handle non-concept association reference refset members (e.g. descriptions)
- IN PROGRESS PG Bring "source data file" and "source data" over from transformer application, along with other things.
- DONE Put the objects into the package structure of terminology server (e.g. put with Project and User)
- Need to update transformer too so it continues to work.
- Leave mojos behind.
- Uploading issues
- Uploaded file count is restricted to 10 for some reason
- Subsequent uploads do not add to the queue
- NOTE: May want to switch to ng-file-upload or flow.js, as they allow folder uploads (angular-file-upload does not)
- In meantime, added flatFileStructure flag to RF2 loader
- Loading notes:
- Added flat file structure setter to RF2 loader to determine whether a webapp load from flat files or normal folder structure load
- TODO Need to do this for other loaders as well
- Must also delete the sorted temp folder for loaders if it exists (otherwise false flag on directory structure)
- Added flat file structure setter to RF2 loader to determine whether a webapp load from flat files or normal folder structure load
- Advanced search
- LATER: Expression. - e..g. "Search Criteria" - for "descriptionLogicTerminology" only
- descendants of
- has relationship -> xx
- LATER: Expression. - e..g. "Search Criteria" - for "descriptionLogicTerminology" only
- Show "atom" subset information in the report. Only concept (or component) subset (or refset) information is being shown. this may involve a change in the graph resolver to return the data. i.e. for Snomed you should be able to tell what is just british.