Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Model: GCI
  • User Interface
    • Enable glass pane while switching tabs - need to say increment in tab controller and decrement at the end of the controller.
  • Integration Tests - Jpa/REST - get them tested again
  • DONE: support "mode" parameter on loaders to automatically recreate db and clear indexes.
  • Improve search
    • for Create "SearchHandler" as an extension point (like graph resolution handler).  Have a "default implementation"
    • Search algorithm
      • First search on exact string (e.g. "literal" search)
        • handles short strings containing special characters, consider doing a literal search (e.g. "!" or "+" or "Ca+")
          • alternative is to save untokenized forms of all strings for exact searching
      Acronym expansion (based on a configured list)
      • Then search on matches
      • if no results, Then do spelling correct  and (then) acronym expansion and search again
        • config/src/main/resources/data/acronym.txt
      Spelling correction (based on a dictionary)
        • Use Lucene SpellChecker class for this.
        • config/src/main/resources/data/
      • Use Lucene SpellChecker class for this.
      Search algorithm
      • First search on exact string (e.g. "literal" search)
      • Then search on matches
        • spelling.txt
      • if no results, Then do acronym expansion and spelling correction and search againif no results, then try putting * after each term and search again
    • should autocomplete algorithm include acronym expansion? NO


  • Create a video demo of the site (camtasia) and post as a link on the header (video glyphicon if there is one)
  • Promote "ICD10" browser on various lists
  • Ensure all entry pages for applications contain SEO text for browsers and are indexed by google
  • Verify all entry pages for applications are officially mobile friendly
  • Consider advertising SNOMED/UMLS/ICD browsers on google adwords.
  • FB?


  • Add features for "deep" relationships when browsing UMLS.    
    • Need a generalized way to know when to use this
    • it is definitely only for "concept"
    • It may be that if any "atoms" of the concept don't match the terminology, then we show it.
  • Reimplement the component report as a directive (with service callbacks for  history and other features)
  • Implement routing for terminologyId/terminology/version/type so we can preserve URLs.  can even include ?query=... for the query
  • Support opening a concept in a new window (e.g. there's a pointing off arrow icon that opens a new window with a routing URL that  shows exactly that concept - then drag/drop between windows can be editing mechanism).
  • DONE: Websocket (for a WebsocketWorkflowListener)
    • test it
    • What to do with it??
  • Expression-based searching?
  • Consider adding "LABELFOR" all subsets and making the star pop up a picklist of the things to highlight (ordered by type with extensions first, subsets later)
  • RECURRING: Mobile-friendly and other style issues
