- Video tutorial - 5 min walk through (e.g. "vet" - one for each - make a consistent script - put all on youtube and link back)
- User Preferences - borrow from refset - don't need anything specific yet, just infrastructure.
- Borrow error handling from refset
- expand to use refset dailog directives for "errors" and warnings -requires a container
- For "semantic type" mechanism - if there are tree numbers, order by that and indent"
- BAC: remove "void addXXX" and "void removeXXX" methods from model objects. Use getObjects().add/remove(...) only
- Model
- Remove the "name" attributes on @XmlElement annotations and fix the javascript to properly handle the return values of services. TEST
- Mapping, MapRecord, MapEntry (each with attributes) - similar to Subset, SubsetMember except with one more layer.
- Then implement this for RRF loader
- Then implement this for RF2 loader (snapshot)
- Then implement this for RF2 loader (delta)
- User Interface
- Enable glass pane while switching tabs - need to say increment in tab controller and decrement at the end of the controller.
- Integration Tests - Jpa/REST - get them tested again
- For @IndexedEmbedded, make sure to use targetElement, also make sure that addXXX and setYYY are called ,and the service.addXXX and service.updateYYY calls are always made. Important for indexing to work properly.