- Lucene enhancements
- DONE: Autocomplete/spelling correction
- Use Lucene SynonymFilter with synonym table
- Content service rest
- Implement getConcept, getDescriptor, getCode, getLexicalClass, and getStringClass
- Implement findConceptsForQuery (ignore branching for now) and related methods.
- Implement rest client as well
- Implement methods for accessing subsets as well
- GraphReoslutionHandler:
- public resolve(Subset)
- public resolve(SubsetMember)
- Call the resolver on the ContentServiceRest services for subset/subsetmember (like it is used in getConcept/findConcepts...)
- DefaultGraphResolutionHandler/UmlsGraphResolutionHandler
- for subsets:
- resolve name
- "skip" subset members
- resolve attributes
- for subset members
- resolve member.getName()
- resolve attributes
- for subsets:
- GraphReoslutionHandler:
- Begin developing integration tests to validate the data (could start with content service tests)
- later : get relationships for a concept - e.g. CUI relationships
- ContentServiceRest getDeepRelationshipsForConcept(String terminologyId/terminolgy/Version, PfsParameter pfs, auth token)
- DONE: autocompletion methods (BAC)
- treeposition methods
- TreeList findTreesForConcept/Code/Descriptor(String terminologyId/terminology/version, boolean includeChildren, PfsParameter pfs)
- findConcept/Code/DescriptorTreesForQuery(String terminology/version, String query, boolean startAtRoot, PfsParameter pfs)
- getRootConcepts/Codes/Descriptions
- DONE: Subset services
- getSubset - by id or terminologyId - NO REST CALL FOR THIS
- getAtomSubsets - SubsetList
- getConceptSubsets
- getSubsetMembersForAtom - takes atom terminology id
- getSubsetMembersForConcept - takes a concept terminology id
- findAtomSubsetMembers
- findConceptSubsetMembers
- Domain model
- DONE: Add property chains (to metadata)
- LexicalClass - set normalized string (needs handler)
- TreePosition (and tree position computer) - childCt
- Handle single-level branching (no sub-branching).
- (branch = :branch OR branchedTo not like :branchMatch)
- Semantic search (via search criteria)
- DONE: UserPreferences - tty list
- Websocket (for a WebsocketWorkflowListener)
- "smart" RRF loader should support a config file to indicate what level at which definitions should be attached and should handle RXNORM and NCIt concepts.
- Updated UI for UMLS
- add an additional picklist for "id type"
- Base view around a Concept Report
- page relationships (and possibly attributes)
- compute/page "contexts" - need to actually compute paths to the root
- escg (expression grammar - research)
- "Marked parent refset" - or in this case for subsets - identify the concept ancestors (e.g. of concept subsets) so they can be labelled in a hierarchical display
- decorate tree position operations when handling browser stuff.
- DONE: Startup routines should verify the presence of "DEFAULT" handlers when they are needed to exist
- DONE: ContentServiceJpa/Rest
- graph resolver doesn't resolve relationships
- rest call for geting the relationships of a concept/descriptor/etc