Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Project
    • Figure out how to capture "project scope" for SNOMED and for UMLS in a generalized way.  Update project objects to be able to properly capture (and compute) project scope.  NOTE: the scope definition may involve concepts/terminologies/semantic types.  IN that event, the scope computer gets a little bit more complicated.
  • Test loading a DB with envers auditing disabled and then making changes in a DB while it is enabled. Does it properly create audit entries?
    • for the old edition of the component?
    • for the new edition?
  • Metathesaurus editing actions
    • MetathesaurusContentEditingRest
      • methods for each "edit action"
      • Create a RestImpl
      • Create a client
      • Create integration tests to run against a "stock" dev  database
    • Add a semantic type component, Remove a semantic type component
      • Have a pencil icon by  the STYs section
      • clicking gives you a list of available STYs assigned, in tree order with a filter box for typing characters of the STY you want.
        • See the metadata "semantic type" option
      • User may want to choose multiple ones (so have a "finished" button)
      • Dont allow user to choose STYs already assigned to the concept.
      • Final action is to call "contentService.addSemanticTypeComponent"
      • Consider what happens to workflow status
      • Consider how to show "NEEDS_REVIEW" content in the browser
      • Consider how to support "Undo". - perhaps an action log (atomic/molecular) is a good idea still for that
    • Implement this completely including testing before moving on to other actions (each which requires a UI enhancement)
      • Approve a concept (e.g. set workflow status values).
      • Add an atom (e.g. MTH/PN - that needs to be generalized somehow)
      • Merge two concepts (consider the "workflow status "when this happens).
      • Move an atom (or atoms) from one concept to another
      • Split an atom (or atoms) out of a concept and specify a relationship type between the two concept
  • Terminology Editing (first use case)
    • Add a concept (as a child of an existing concept) with one or more atoms and a PAR/CHD relationship.
    • Run the classifier
    • Show classifier results (e.g. new inferred relationships, etc)
    • NOTE: this only works with a description logic based source that tracks inferred relationships.
    • PREREQ: SNOMEDCT RF2 loader.


Admin Tools

  • RRF Loader
    • Finish metadata loading
    • Do content loading
  • RRF Loader - single source
