This software is offered with a standard Apache 2 licence. Like other free software licenses, the license allows the user of the software the freedom to use the software for any purpose, to distribute it, to modify it, and to distribute modified versions of the software, under the terms of the license, without concern for royalties.[1]
- Lightweight and easy to build, configure, and deploy.
- Mobile-friendly user interface (e.g. responsive design)
- Data model built around the UMLS data
- Natively handles RRF, some of the unusual and not-very-useful complexity of the UMLS is removed.
- Capable of simultaneous representation of Metathesaurus data structures (e.g. CUI) and terminology-specific data structures (e.g SNOMEDCT_US concpet or MSH descriptor)
- Capable of simultaneously supporting multple Metathesaurus views (e.g. UMLS, NCI-META, RXNORM, etc.)
- Fully authenticated REST APIs with Java client classes included.
- Examples also provided for commonly used/needed calls
- Supports multiple terminologies and versions.
- Capable of handling any UMLS-based terminology (e.g. MeSH, SNOMEDCT_US, ICD10CM, etc.)
- Supports transitive closure computation and maintenance.
- Ancestor/descendant (and parent/child) computations are simple lookups and do not require computationally expensive graph walking.
- Also supports individual tree-position representation of hierarchy (for terminologies that assign codes to individual tree positions).
- Supports both lexical and semantic querying
- Handles complex field-based Lucene queries
- Handles queries like "find all concepts with associated_morphology relationships to Kidney or any of its descendants"
- Handles generalized queries against the underlying persistence model (formulated as combination Lucene/JQL queries)
- Supports paging, filtering, and sorting at the API level.
- For example, a “find concepts” call can be combined with sorting and filtering and can also page results one page at a time with flexible page sizes.
- Includes administrative, technical, and user documentation, and a REST API documented online with sample parameters.
- Supports description logic constructs within the metadata model to allow interoperation with Owl and integration with classifiers.
- Farily comprehensive unit, functional, and integration testing across all layers of tech stack.
- Flexible back-end data store.
- Default support for MySQL and uses Hibernate to facilitate connections to a variety of other database environments, including document-based and graph databases.