Versions Compared


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  • QA Bins: post-query processing for concepts_id_1,concepts_id_2 bins never finishes
  • Continue term type suppressability discussion
    • Per the UMLS reference manual:

      Code Block
      Suppressible flag. Values = O, E, Y, or N
      O: All obsolete content, whether they are obsolesced by the source or by NLM. These will include all atoms having obsolete TTYs, and other atoms becoming obsolete that have not acquired an obsolete TTY (e.g. RxNorm SCDs no longer associated with current drugs, LNC atoms derived from obsolete LNC concepts).
      E: Non-obsolete content marked suppressible by an editor. These do not have a suppressible SAB/TTY combination.
      Y: Non-obsolete content deemed suppressible during inversion. These can be determined by a specific SAB/TTY combination explicitly listed in MRRANK.
      N: None of the above
    • Per Stephanie:I am  looking at cases where tty = AB or HS && suppressible != “Y”.     For most of them, a simple change to NCI & ISO3166-2 would do it.  I think if we explain it to NCI they will ok it -- Laura will understand, and we should probably run it by Tracey/Rob/Larry in case they have any concerns or foresee any gotchas.  For the others that come in through UMLS … I think the but a few come from RxNorm which has its own rules so I’m pretty sure they’re intentional and I’m hesitant to change it.   I would be ok changing the two “HS” cases to “Y” but then it would be different from the UMLS.  Not sure if that

      Code Block
      I am  looking at cases where tty = AB or HS && suppressible != 
      "Y".  For most of them, a simple change to NCI & ISO3166-2 would 
      do it.  I think if we explain it to NCI they will ok it -- Laura will 
      understand, and we should probably run it by Tracey/Rob/Larry in case 
      they have any concerns or foresee any gotchas.  For the others that come
       in through UMLS ... I think the but a few come from RxNorm which has its 
      own rules so I'm pretty sure they're intentional and I'm hesitant to 
      change it.   I would be ok changing the two "HS" cases to "Y" but then 
      it would be different from the UMLS.  Not sure if that matters.
  • Review umlscui.txt issues
